part four

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Camila can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling.

She felt it the moment the sunlight pouring in through the window woke her up. She felt it as she ate her cereal with berries in the morning. She felt it as she showered with ice cold water. She just felt it in the deep pits of her stomach.

She has no idea why today of all days, she feels this particular way. She hopes it's nothing bad.

She looks into the mirror at the bathroom on her ten minute break and forces a smile, not liking the way the red lipstick looks on her.

Wiping it off, she already prefers the nude color of her lips. Her fingers graze the pearl necklace that's on her neck slowly and she exhales, trying to forget the feeling in her stomach.

Perhaps ignoring the feeling would make it go away.


Not far across town, Lauren stares in the mirror at her green eyes that seem brighter than ever.

She's suddenly appreciative of the air she breathes around her as she inhales. So fresh and simple.

Something that she'd be so willing to take away from another person.

She couldn't believe that the time had finally arrived. It seemed like she had been planning everything for years, though it was only a few months. It still had felt like forever.

Tonight would make the wait all worth it, she just knew it.

She puts on her trusted wool emerald turtleneck sweater to protect her from the icy cold weather and sprays a squirt of sandalwood with jasmine perfume behind her ears. Her fists clutch tightly in readiness as she looks at her reflection on the bathroom mirror.

Time to go.


"Iced coffee with two sugars and almond milk?"

Camila stares out of the glass window into the foggy streets.


Completely unaware that the barista was calling out her order, Camila continues to stare out in the darkness.

"Pardon me?"

The brown haired girl suddenly jumps at the abrupt contact of a hand placed on her shoulder.

Looking at the beachy blonde hair and polite smile of the man with his hand touching her shoulder, she takes the drink from his extended hand and smiles apologetically.

"I apologize, I got a bit distracted."

"I saw," he smiles and small wrinkles form around his eyes. "Anything I can help with?"

She shakes her head distractingly and glances at the dark outdoors again before meeting his eyes.

"Nothing to worry about."

"You come here every day, don't you?" He asks curiously.

"I like the coffee here, the company isn't so bad either," Camila takes a sip of her iced drink and forces it down her throat. "See?"

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