Chapter 13 - Arjun's jealousy and Possessiveness

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Arjun drives to home having a deep thoughts about what Radhika said to him. He stops his car on the beach road and dials to Sanjeev who is in deep sleep picked his call, "Hello"

Arjun, "Sanjeev, come to Beach road-western gate. I am waiting for you"

Sanjeev in sleepy mode, "Okay will come there tomorrow morning"

Arjun, "Idiot, come here right now. I am waiting for you now"

Sanjeev rubs his eyes and looks at the clock and blinks his eyes continuously, before he responds Arjun disconnected the call leaving him with no option.

After 20 mins drive, Sanjeev meets Arjun in the same place and wonders seeing him smoking continuously and already he finished number of cigarettes.

Sanjeev snatches the one he is puffing and scolds him saying, "Are you Mad Arjun? Why are you smoking like this? What's the problem?"

Arjun takes a deep breath and said, "I want to know the reason behind Radhika's hurt and her abscond on 5 years before"

Sanjeev, "You can ask her only right?"

Arjun, "No, she won't reveal the reason. I have to find out soon before my marriage, so that I can understand what made her to take that decision and why she hates me now?"

Sanjeev, "Arjun, so many things happened between you both. So only you both can share the instances and find out the reason. How can I help you in this?"

Arjun, "You can Sanjeev. Do you have any idea who else know about my interest on Radhika at that time?"

Sanjeev gets into thinking and said, "Me, Shruti, Ranjith, Aditya and Mahesh"

Arjun goes into a deep thinking and Sanjeev interrupts him saying, "And yeah, Spandana also knows it"

Arjun gives him a shocking reaction and said, "Spandana?"

Sanjeev, "Yeah, but none of us told this to her, she overheard our conversation and actually we got a promise from her not to reveal this to anyone till you say"

Arjun, "I guess she might have a big role play in separating me and Radhika"

Sanjeev, "How can you say that?"

Arjun smirks, "Because she was in love with me"

Sanjeev opens his mouth wide in shock and stands like a statue and without moving he asked, "When did this happen?"

Arjun, "The day you all caught me right, that day"

Sanjeev, "How come it is possible, that's the same day we were talking to catch u and she overheard & she told that she will support us in the drama we were planning"

Arjun smirks lightly and said, "Then Sanjeev, Search for Spandana...she might have a big role in spoiling the relation between me and Radhika. I am not going to leave her"

They both leave from there to make sure that they have to find out Spandana as soon as possible.

Next day, Radhika gets ready for office and finds a message from an unknown number. She reads it and replied, "May I know who is this?"

She gets an instant reply, "Your close friend"

Radhika gets confused and replied, "I don't have any close friend. Sorry" and she left.

She forgets about the message and reaches her office on time and exactly before Arjun comes. She settles down in her place and continues her left out work and in the meanwhile, the staffs who already there congratulate Radhika for her engagement with Arjun.

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