It's Happening Again

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Megan looks at her phone.
"Oh god no!" Megan shouts.
Her news app just updated her with a new story titled ," FRESH MURDERS 28 DAYS AFTER MURDER SPREE!"
She scrolls down to see another one named," SNOWVILLES OWN VERSION OF 28 DAYS LATER!"
It's happening again. But wait. Wasn't Joseph Holland the murderer?


"Maddison it's happening again," Detective Barnes says as he walks into his home.
Maddison Barnes is Joe Barnes' wife. They got married 5 years ago when Maddison was 25 and Joe was 26.
"What do you mean?" Maddison asks.
"The murders," Detective Barnes says,"Its happening again."
"But I thought you put the killer thing bars?" Maddison asks.
"Well I did and I need to go and see him now because I need him so I can try and catch the new killer," Joe says.
"Oh," Maddison says.
"I will see you later," Joe says as he kisses her.
"Bye," Maddison says before she smiles.
"Bye," Joe says and then he leaves.
He gets into his car and drives off to the psychiatrist hospital where Joseph is kept.

         RiverWater psychiatric hospital

Detective Barnes is let through the gates. He drives up the very long, seemingly never ending driveway.
He walks through the doors of the huge, massive building that to be honest you could call it a mansion.
Detective Barnes enters the building, introduces himself and then the guards lead him to Josephs room. Detective Barnes sits on one side of the glass; Joseph sits on the other side of the glass in his room.
"Hello Joseph," Detective Barnes says.
"Hello Detective," Joseph replies.
"I'm guessing you may have heard of the murders that have been happening back in SnowVille," Detective Barnes explains.
"No I haven't," Joseph replies.
"Why are people starting to die again?" Detective Barnes asks.
"I don't know," Joesph says.
"Well you need to tell me," Detective Barnes says.
Joseph thinks for a few moments.
"The truth is detective," Joseph begins to say," I never killed the other people."
"What do you mean Joseph?" Detective Barnes asks.
"I got a message on the day of my arrest," Joseph explains,"A person messaged me on an unknown number and told me to go to a storage unit."

28 days ago...

Joseph looks at his phone and sees a message from an unknown number. The message reads," Go to this location right now or I will find you and kill you myself."
Another message comes through and the person has shared their location.
Joseph walks down the stairs and out of the front door. He gets into his car and drives to the location.

                   10 minutes later

Joseph arrives at the location and enters the storage unit. He sees a note pinned up on the wall. He takes it down and reads the words," Go home and phone this number."
He puts down the number in his contacts.

          Another 10 minutes later

Joesph enters his house once again and runs up the stairs in his house. He runs into the bathroom and phones the number.
"Hello?" A voice asks.
"Hello," Joesph says," you asked me to call this number."
"Yes that is correct..." the voice says," you need to tell detective Barnes that you killed all of those people."
"No way!" Joseph shouts," i never killed those people!"
"If you don't do it I might have to murder Annie as well and maybe your parents," the person threatens Joseph.
"What do I have to do?" Joseph says.
"You need to say to Annie the words I killed All those people now repeat it to me," the person says.
Annie stands outside the bathroom door and listens.
"I killed all of those people," Joseph says.
"Good now until next time Joseph," The voice says.
Joseph walks out of the bathroom and sees Annie.

Present day...

"And you know what happens next," Joseph says.
"I understand," Detective Barnes says terrified.
Detective Barnes thinks.
"We are going to have to move you to the police station prison as you still stabbed Annie," Detective Barnes says," your prison sentence will be shortened since you only hurt Annie and you didn't kill all those people and you need to go to the police station prison since you still committed crime but that is only if we find proof your statement is true."
"Ok"Joseph says," I hope you find this son of a bitch."
"Me too," Detective Barnes replies.
"Is my sister ok?" Joseph asks.
"I can't tell you that simply because I haven't spoken to your sister since October 2nd," Detective Barnes explains.
"Ok....if you see her tell her I love her and that I'm sorry," Joseph begs Detective Barnes.
"I can't make any promises but I need to leave now....goodbye Joseph," Detective Barnes.

                           Cafe Corner

Annie and Jonathan sit at their table. Annie sips her coffee and Jonathan nibbles his muffin.
"So what are you wearing for the Halloween party?" Jonathan asks.
"I don't know I might go as a sexy devil," Annie says.
"Oooo sounds good to me," Flirts Jonathan.
"Yeah I'm not into that Jonathan," replies Annie.
"What do you mean?" Jonathan asks.
"Why should I be in a relationship if the only reason that I wanted a relationship was to get married and create a family but now I can't even fucking do that because of my psycho brother!" Annie screams," and now when I'm going through a time like this I want my best friend to be there for me but now I've lost my bestfriend and my parenthood!"
Annie jumps up from her seat and storms out of the cafe.
"Annie wait where are you going?" Jonathan shouts to Annie.
Annie walks outside and gets in her fiat while Jonathan runs out of the cafe.
"Annie wait!" Shouts Jonathan but Annie ignores him and drives off home.
"What did I do?" Jonathan asks himself.
Annie drives down the road and her phone pings. She looks and sees a small message on the lock screen.
The message reads," Your next on my list."
"What does that mean?" Says Annie.

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