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Yaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss, finally the angst parts comes in!

And guys, I've noticed that you used to comment like crazy, but now you're just like. . . reading and leaving. Do you not like the story anymore, or have you found a better story to read? Last I checked, 21 people read, 4 voted and 2 commented (T-T)

Am I doing something wrong????

Please let me know (>.<)


"Ouch, Baa-chan!"



Everyone in the Hokage's office stopped and stared at the five-year-old boy who had just used a very commanding and effective tone. His shoulders were straight, his arms were crossed, his head held high and his facial expression was stern. He stood and spoke like a commander.

Sasuke and Sakura slapped their palms on their foreheads. You can take the boy out of the Kage but you can never take the Kage out of the boy.

"Stop punching me, nothing really bad happened. Right Ke?" Naruto looked at his brother, crossing his arms over his chest, suddenly looking a lot like his biological father.

"He's right, Hokage-sama. Nothing bad happened, all of us are fine, can we move on now?" Sasuke said with a hint of impatience in his voice.

"Ke, Ruto! You might wanna see this," Sakura ran up to them, her emerald eyes serious.

The two boys narrowed their eyes at the window before going over.

"Looks like the Sand and Sound Invasion started early," Naruto growled under his breath. "This is just perfect."

"Isn't it always," Sasuke said dryly.

"What are you talking about?" Tsunade stood up.

"Awaiting orders, Hokage-sama," Sasuke murmured under his breath, ignoring Tsunade.

Naruto slightly nodded his head. "Sakura, Sasuke!"

Instinctively and subconsciously, all the other occupants in the room - the Uchiha family and the hidden ANBU - straightened their shoulders as if in the presence of an active Hokage.

"Rally the shinobi and alert them of the invasion! When you're done, go to the hospital. I bet there are gonna be quite the number of casualties. Ke, meet up with me where it was released last time. I'll be stalling until you get there. Once we're done dealing with it, we're going to get back to the village and aid in battling the invading shinobi. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir!" the two saluted out of instinctive reflex before they all ran out of the room.

"ANBU! Get Danzō and for Kami's sake don't let him get away! I don't care what you have to do, keep him in one place, and please take off those bandages on both his arm and eye! You'll see then why I want that war hawk! Dad, make sure Orochimaru is actually dead and securely held in prison before you get out into battle!" Naruto barked as he stopped by the door momentarily before rushing off.

The ANBU immediately jumped off in search of the elder before anyone could say anything, as they were trained to follow orders. Fugaku too immediately shushined to the Police Force headquarters. A five-year-old boy who held the authority of a Kage? That was never heard of before.

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