We don't get along

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Reid got out of the car,annoyed. Morgan kept on bugging him the whole ride over to the BAU. He walked fast to his desk,and started on his paperwork. Morgan did the same thing. For a while,it was just quiet. Morgan finally was done with all of his paperwork.

"Hi kid you fell asleep" said Morgan,over to Reid. Reid was just resting his eyes. He already finished his paperwork.Spencer opened his eyes once he heard Morgan. "For you information I was resting my eyes if you really have to know" Spencer said to  Derek.

Derek smirked as he kept on looking at the younger man. "You know kid you are very fun to pick on" said Morgan. Reid rolled his eyes. "You are pretty.... Annoying" Reid replied. Morgan came to Reid's desk.

"You may be pretty and you may be smart,but I'm not annoying" Morgan said in Reid's face. "That's what you think" said  Reid. Morgan gasped at the reply. "I can proof I'm not annoying" Morgan said. Reid smiled. "Okey proof it" he said.

Morgan looked over to see  JJ. "Okey kid I will....hey JJ I'm I annoying?" Morgan asked. JJ looked up from her desk,and looked at Morgan. "No...No" said JJ.

Morgan turned back to  Reid. "See" he said. Reid laughed a little. "What?" asked Morgan. "Nothing" Reid said. Morgan looked over back at JJ to see her making a face. She was Insulting Morgan. Morgan rolled his eyes. "I don't act like that" he said.

Spencer shrugged. "Morgan, Reid just the two I need to see" said Rossi going over to the two men. "Look Hotch wants you two in the conference room. He as a case just for the both of  you" Rossi says. Reid and Morgan looked at each other.

They went to the round table once they walked in the room. "What is it,sir?" asked Morgan. Hotch showed a picture of boys who have been slaughtered. "Boys in Ohio is being slaughtered by some mysterious person,which is our UnSub. This person as gone through so much trouble to do so" said  Hotch.

"How do you know that?" asked Morgan. Hotch zoomed in on the photo of one of the victims. "They didn't hung these men. They didn't torture them,or there isn't evidence of them being tortured. So they must of bought a lot of weapons to do  this" said Hotch.

Reid and Morgan looked at each other. "Um this is important, but why did you only want us?" asked Reid.Hotch then giggled. "Um you see that's the funny part. Um so this UnSub murders mam friends,and we need you two to go undercover as guy  friends" said Hotch.

Morgan and Reid starred at their boss for a moment. "WHAT!?! No disrespect sir its just I can't work with him" said Reid. Morgan nodded. "Yeah" said Morgan.

"WE DONT GET ALONG" they both yelled. Hotch smirked. "And that's why we chose you two" he replied."Now Garcia is only one phone call away. So you need information just call her if needed. Not to flirt with her".

Reid and Hotch looked at the man,who was blushing. "I don't do that. I don't flirt with baby girl and you guys know it" said Morgan. "The fact that you call her baby girl says it all" Hotch said.

Morgan rolled his eyes. "I call the kid pretty boy does that mean I'm flirting with him no" said Morgan. Hotch and Reid just rolled his eyes. "Wheels up in 10" said Hotch leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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