Any louder?

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(Clark's POV)
After I got to Bruce, I used x-ray vision to look at his bone. Hes cast was scrashed up, but the leg... It was the same leg as Batman...'N-no, it couldn't be! Besides! If he was, he would have killed me already! Batman wants me dead, Bruce wants to marry me.' I was snapped out of thought by Bruce hugging me.


"S-sorry, I just needed to hug you,.... I missed you........ " I blushed & hugged back gently. Then his phone whent off, we pulled away, he looks at it & frowns.

"I have to go, there was an, incident? At Wayne Enterprise," it sounds more like an question then the truth...

"What incident?"

"Oooh, you know, that, 'thing' with paper, &... Uh, people, the, uhh" he says as he gets out the room with the crutches.

"Your workers messed up paperwork?" He snapped his fingers & nods

"Y-yeah, it was that,.. & uh, see you soon!" He left. I follow him with x-ray vision threw the walls. He walked into a wall & he disappeared! 'What the heck?!? ' I tried to look harder, but I can't find him.

(Batman's POV)
I put on my Batsuit the best I can & put something around my cast to help me walk. Great, now I have to go to find out where Scarecrow is shipping his fear gas this time. I got in my Bat-mobile & left, 'Hopefully I don't take long... '

(Clark's POV)
I walked to where I saw Bruce last, but it was in front of a clock...? I don't understand this, I moved the clock gently, but it won't budge. Little by little, I started using a bit of my super strength.
When I finally got to open it, I looked at the secret entrance, 'why don't I know about this?' I walked in & whent down the stairs, once I'm at the bottom, I see a pare of normal doors in front of me.
As I was about to go in, an alarm was set off, 'Yikes!!!' I used super speed to get out & I go back to Bruce's room. I take a big breath of relief, 'I don't understand this, he has a secret door, & set an alarm if someone gets in??? What is he hiding? Why didn't he tell me? Most importantly, what was his clock & wall made out of led!?! Ok, ok, chill Clark, maybe he kept it a secret for a reason. He'll tell me, I know he will, I just got to be patient..... Uhg, but I really want to know really soon.' The alarm whent off & I lay on the broken bed.

(1 hour TIME SKIP)

(Batman's POV)
I got back in the Batcave & parked the mobile. I got out the car & sighed, 'poor Alfred,... He has to help me with the damn car.' The Bat-mobile was banged up & covered with stuff I don't even know. But Alfred has been working harder & I don't remember the last time he sleped. I got to the computers on my wall & looked at the entry on this room from a well hidden camera. I see Clark looking confused as fuck & opened the clock, my eyes widen & so did his.

"He saw the passage... " I mumbled as I watched the rest of the video.

He walks down the stairs & i put up another window on my screan of the camera footage inside. He got so close to the door, then Alfred arrived out from the clock entrance.
He quickly ran to the kitchen & pressed a button I gave him, just in case this happens. Clark leaves with super speed & I closed that window, & looked at Alfred as he sighs in relief.
I then closed that window of footage too. I got up, changed out the Bat suit & into my regular clothes. Then I got out of the Batcave, up the stairs, then closed the clock behind me.
I got up another flight of stairs & got to my room. I open the door to see Clark on the bed, so relaxed, calm, at pease. 'Damn, I miss have days like this,'
I got over to him, crawled on the bed & snuggled with him. He hugs me, I squeaked in surprise, & blushed hard. He smiles at me, I pecked his lips

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