Lies and Heartache

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"Right now is a great time to invest. The books we are planning to release will be huge!" Markus continued to try and convince the man sitting across from us to invest in the company. He was right; based on the transcripts I've read, these books would be huge, and if this guy wanted to make money, now would be the time to invest.

"I can't imagine taking a gamble on books we have yet to see. You are new to this company, yes your father was a smart man, but I don't know you."

That was a nice way of saying, ' why should I invest in your company when you have no accomplishments?'

I was only half-listening since I kept making eye contact with Julian. Yes, we were flirting, and Markus kept 'accidentally' kicking me when I did.

Finally, I spoke up, "' I was furious, my husband was lying in bed with another woman. Prettier, skinnier, younger. How could I compete with that? Before I knew what I was doing, I burst into the room and jumped on top of them both. My husband got away, but the poor girl didn't meet the same fate. Blood everywhere, both my husband and I screaming. Finally, I came back to my senses. I killed her. I killed her, and it was all his fault.'"

No one spoke. Markus stared at me, stunned. This wasn't one of the transcripts; it was one of my own stories, but I thought it would help. " That is the writing these books have; dark, emotional, love, hate. This is something you can't miss out on. These stories are going to be bigger than big; if you want your money to work for you, I'd invest."

"I will give you a call by the end of the week with my decision," David said to Markus shaking his hand, then turned to me, "That was a wonderful excerpt you demonstrated for us. I look forward to hearing the rest." With that, he got into his car, and Julian followed.

Markus and I stood there watching them go.

"Where did that come from?" He finally asked. "It wasn't one of the transcripts I gave you. I know because I read them."

"It was one of mine. It started as a short story I entered in a contest in college an-"

"I don't care what contest you entered it into. Why? Why would you use that? Out of all the things you could have used, why that?"

He was angry? I helped. If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have an investor!
"I was just trying to help."

"No, you were trying to get one of your stories published. Now he's going to be looking for that story. You know that, right?"

"I'm sorry, I really was trying to help. You were bombing in there. You honestly think he would have invested in someone who just took over a company his father built?"

"You know what? From now on, do your job. Be a secretary. Nothing more. You are here to look pretty and take notes. That's it."

I was shocked at what I just heard. I don't know why I was shocked; he's said things like that before. I don't know why I expected anything different.

"Also, what was with you and that guy?! This is a business trip. For business. This isn't a retreat for you to go out and flirt all night!"

"Why do you care who I flirt with?! I'm a grown woman, and we aren't dating, so it really isn't any of your business now. Furthermore, it isn't like you planned on just focusing on business this entire trip either."

His car pulled up in front of us, and he opened it for me to get in, but I didn't. "I'll take a cab."

"Janice, get in the car." I walked away and began waving for a cab.

"Are you serious right now? Get in!" He said, following me and grabbed at my arm.

"No! Leave me alone!" By now, people had taken an interest in the situation, and he let me go.

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