I Hate You [RusAme]

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First...A Sharing of Thoughts.

He is cold as ice; metaphorically speaking and litterally. He is insane, cynical, and harsh. His face, God his face. He makes me burn; he makes me want to explode. He's my worst enemy, and somehow, for some twisted reason, I cant get enough of him.

Personally, I see the little American to be a pathetic little worm. He's almost kind of cute...when I'm watching him squirm when put under just enough pressure. I don't see why, but I have this strange addiction to his harsh words. They burn into my skin, and I like that. And for some weird reason, I can't get enough of him.

I hate him.
I hate him.

I try to tell myself that.

It doesn't make sense to love your enemy, da?

I don't understand it.



No matter how hard I try,

I can't resist him...

World Meeting: 2014

"Where the bloody hell is America?" England folded his arms, crossing his legs in disappointment. The room was a lot warmer than usual. Of course that wasn't a bad thing in England's opinion, but things hardly ever change around them. Looking around the room, a couple of other countries were missing. Romano, as usual, Greece, Hungary,  and Russia.
Russia wasn't there... and that was something to worry about.

The other countries bickered and talked amongst themselves about the most random things. Some were yelling at each other, some were laughing amongst each other, some were doing...other things.

Germany stood up from his seat to hold all conversation, adjusting his tie. His hair was always slicked back and he wore the same serious expression. "Alright, let's get this meeting started shall we?"

"Russia's not here...?" France whispered nervously to England, keeping his eyes on Germany to prevent his obnoxious yelling. "I know. That terrifies me." he whispered back, his eyes widened a little. Then he made a little gasp. "America's not here...Russia's not here..."

"Do you think he-"

"I doubt that he'd do that you git."


"Excuse me, you two." Germany interrupted their whispers abruptly. "If  there's something you'd like to talk about, share it with everyone else."

The both of them folded their arms as a couple of snickers came from around the room.

Of course, the Russian wasn't gone because he planned to make a well thought out attack on the other countries. No...it was for someone else. Something he planned to get back at a certain American idiot that would change things between them for the rest of their exsistence.

"Aghh! F-Fuck you! G-get off!" America squirmed, trying to break free from the Russian's hard grip and snarled. The air was stagnant; it was almost like something had died and lingered in the small closet in the hallway that they were now locked in. "Shhhh. You don't want to draw attention, da? How do you think England would feel about this?" Russia smiled at the smaller man, taking the glasses from his nose and dropping them into his pocket, just in case he got the crazy idea to escape. "Hehehe...It's a bit small in here anyways. We can always go out in the hall and do this."

"No you dumb ass. How about we not do this at all." he growled, struggling to push him away. "I guess you're right...it'd be too easy for you to get away hmm?" Pushing him down, America was on the floor, his back against the wall, still fighting like the little worm he was. "Russia...s-stop it you fucker." he panted, but Russia didn't comply to his pitiful pleading and yanked his pants halfway down. "Hmhmhmm. I never realized how cute you can be Americaaa~ You're like a little child." Russia murmured into his ear. The American growled in anger, trying to resist the urge to give in to the Russian's touch. America cursed at him, pushing on his chest weakly. Thoughts raced through both of their minds. And...neither of them would admit it, but the both of them thoroughly enjoyed this.

"Nn...f-fuck..y-you..." Russia pinned the angered American down, holding his head up with a cold grin. "Shut up," he ran his cold hands through his hair locking his fingers into the other man's blonde locks. "and show me your American pride."

Hey guys...It's Romana. This is one of my 1st one shots so sorry if it's bad.
If anybody has any requests for another Hetalia one shot like this feel free to message and I might write it.~

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