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Many forgot Gregory was just a man.

An exceptional one in some people's eyes, but he was human in every aspect, though Xenia often associated him with electrical appliances sometimes.

For Gregory believing he tormented the woman he loved made the man miserable.

Gregory had no clue about what Xenia went through; he could only imagine. When he saw how happy Xenia was with Sia, the man assumed she had no children's problems.

If they spoke of many subjects, Xenia kept this to herself. All this time, she bottled up her fear in a perfect facade.

Gregory regretted his words. How could he doubt the feelings Xenia had for him?

Even though he was unaware of the situation at the time, he knew now his request came off exigent. Gregory didn't lend an ear to his weeping rose.

Give her time, Ann-Catherin said. A month after the dispute, Gregory wondered if Xenia would come back on her own.

The employees seemed bored in the empty mansion, which returned to its phantasmatic stance. One could only hear steps and closing doors here and there. The lack of music was oppressing, but Gregory could not support playing the songs on the Spotify account Xenia shared with him. All the playlists reminded the man of her, Mary J. Blige, Tina Turner, Sam Smith, Whitney, and many more all songs bared her name.

A weekend with his nephews and nieces temporarily animated the house. The man watched amused the maids that ran after the naughty children.

"So still no news," Grace asked.

"No," Gregory answered.

His wry eyes and sorrowful expression were things his sister rarely saw on her brother.

Grace felt sorry for her Gregory, who she thought found happiness with Xenia, "you look pale."

"I do?" Gregory touched his cheeks; he hadn't slept well since he came back from Paris. The man tossed and turned in his bed as he replayed every scene before and during their dispute, searching for details that would help him understand.

Gregory wasn't a spontaneous man, but he was thoughtful. His ability to assess usually allowed him to see things and anticipate. Here he hated the fact of having missed Xenia's point. The man recognized his approach was too abrupt, if only they discussed the subject before.

Grace observed Gregory while he pondered before breaking the silence, "you've changed, Gregory."

"Have I?"

Grace smiled, "you've softened. You openly show you care."

"Is it bad?"

"No, I've always been afraid you'd stay clogged up. Dad was so strict with you; you loathed him so much. Our family model was so biased that I wondered if you could ever open your heart to someone."

"I didn't know I could. Xenia made it possible."

It wasn't intentional Gregory gave as much as he received. And Xenia gave her all. She opened her house, her heart, and gave him a glimpse of how to be a father with Sia. Both mother and child heated the cold and windy cove, which was his heart. Xenia made Gregory believe in a love that the man thought could not happen to the rational being he was.

"I want her back, Grace."

"Give her time, Gregory."

Time, how much did Xenia need?

It exhausted the man to hear everyone telling him to let Xenia be when he missed her.

Gregory was willing to provide as much time Xenia desired as long as she returned to his side.

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