'Chapter Fifteen ✓×

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We walk back to the house, hand in hand. I don't know who initiated the hand holding, or exactly when it started, but neither of us are upset about it.

Is all of this happening too fast? I feel like I haven't gotten a chance to breath since I met Axel, like every moment takes all of my attention. Maybe that's a good thing. It makes every time I kiss him like a breath of fresh air. He's like a breath of fresh air.

We make it back to the house, but before he opens the door, my heart swoops and I pull my hand out of his.

He turns to me, a confused and worried look on his face.

"What's wrong? Did you change your mind? Because, you can, that's okay--"

"No, no, I didn't change my mind. I just... what happens when we go in there? Do we go back to friends? You made it quite clear with them that I was just your friend."

"I don't hide things from my family because I know, no matter what, they'll still love and accept me. Besides, how much fun would this weekend be if we sneak around?"

"I don't know, Assassin's Creed is pretty cool and that's all about sneaking around."

Axel rolls his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. "Well, if you don't want it out in the open, then we won't say anything, but I'd really like to tell them."

"Okay," I sigh. "Go for it."

"Don't worry your pretty little head. They probably already love you."

We go inside, but his parents aren't where they were. The house is alive with the sound of guitar playing from downstairs. Axel's smile widens. He pulls me down the stairs until we reach Bailey, playing guitar for William and Mia. They sit on the couch, Bailey across from them on a stool with the guitar propped against her while she plays.

Axel bounds over and joins his parents on the couch, but I stay in the doorway. They're a family, I'm not going to get in the way of a nice moment like this. I'd ruin it.

Bailey must be extremely talented. The Tomas kids are very talented people. One actor, and one artist/musician. So far, my parents would hate the Tomas's, which makes me love them even more.

Bailey finishes her songs and we all clap for her. She stands and bows, a grin on her face.

"You got extremely talented since I left," Axel comments, standing to give Bailey a hug. When he pulls back, Bailey puts her guitar back, skipping around like this made her day. Bailey looks around fourteen, which means when she skips and happily jumps, she looks far younger.

"Both of my kids are talented!" William says enthusiastically, wrapping his arm around Bailey's shoulders. "Look at you guys! I have a young prodigy, and a son becoming an actor! I'm a lucky man!"

"Yes, you are," Mia says, standing from the couch to kiss her husband on the cheek. "And I'm a very lucky woman."

I smile at the display, but apparently smiling is all it takes to get Mia's attention.

"So, what about you, Finn? What's your great passion?" She asks. I pause before answering. My great passion? I think blankly.

"Uh... well... I don't exactly have a passion per se, but I'm going to be a lawyer," I reply, my voice sounding stiff in my own ears.

"Oh?" William chimes in. "You don't look like the type. No offense!"

"None taken. Sometimes I don't feel like the type." I mutter the last part under my breath, praying that no one hears it.

"Well, if that's what you want to do with your life, good for you! More power to you!" Mia says. Axel turns and looks at me, giving me a smile that's so contagious that I have to smile back.

"Oh my, I should finish on dinner! Bailey, dear, would you help me in the kitchen?"

"Okay." Bailey bounds up the stairs with her mother, leaving the three of us downstairs.

"Well, men, it's time to do manly things! Like spit, or hit each other!" William impersonates a tough guy with a gruff voice. Me and Axel chuckle at him.

"I'll pass on the hitting thing," Axel comments.

I chime in, "Me too."

"Alright then. I don't like spitting, either. No manly things today! How are you boys? Tell me all about university."

Axel, as expected, immediately starts an elaborate story. He tells the story of the first college party. His side, which I didn't know. It's not that interesting, but the way he tells it makes it the most eventful and magical thing ever.

When he gets to the end of the story, around the time he kissed me, he pauses. He looks at me for a moment before continuing on anyway.

"Actually, I kissed Finn that night." He says it so casually I almost choke on my own spit. William doesn't look surprised, which catches me off guard. "And I kissed him on Halloween. And I kissed him today."

I look at Axel in shock. He decided the most casual way to tell his father.

"Well well, close friends," William teases. My face goes completely red, I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Axel doesn't move, clearly he wants to challenge his father to make another comment, but not in the way my father would challenge me. More in an any comments? way.

"So, that must've been some walk you two went on."

Axel laughs, and I playfully hit his arm to get him to stop. Axel just laughs at that too, and his contagious laugh soon has me quietly laughing as well.

When the laughing dies down, William says, "I'm happy for you, Axy. As long as you're happy."

"I am." Axel meets my eyes, smiling at me warmly and melting my heart. Discreetly, he intertwines our hands, squeezing mine gently.

"Boys, come upstairs please!" I hear Mia call from the top of the stairs. Axel is the first to get up, releasing my hand to run up. William stops me before I follow him.

Uh oh, I think. If he's anything like my dad, a private conversations means I'm in trouble.

"Finn, I'm glad Axel met you. You seem like a responsible young man, and we've always trusted Axel's judgement fully. If he likes you, I like you."

I'm completely stunned. A smile forms on my face before I can register it.

"Thank you very much. Not just for that, for welcoming me into your home on such an important family holiday."

William hesitates for a moment before saying, "Can I ask why you didn't have thanksgiving at your own family's?"

I bite my lip, debating telling him or not. Eh, who cares. I've got nothing to lose.

"My parents don't want me home."

Williams smile is replaced by a look of pity. It only stays for a second before it's wiped away, and he wraps his arms around me happily.

"Well, you're welcome here! And Mia is an incredible cook, so forget about them and let's eat!"

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