We're A Thing

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She'd finished her dinner date with Natsu (Gray had gracefully bowed out—after he demanded Natsu pay him the five hundred some bucks for the date. Natsu agreed, not really minding. After all, he'd been the one to walk out of the entire situation a winner, so he couldn't really complain) and they'd had a wonderful time.

They'd chatted, ate delicious food, stuffed their bellies; afterwards, Lucy gave him her gift, which was a basket filled with homemade baked goods. Natsu was thrilled; they spent the rest of the date munching on chocolate chip cookies and banana muffins. Natsu was thoroughly impressed with Lucy's baking skills, and he demanded she make him some more. Lucy giggled and agreed, snorting at the chocolate smeared across his cheeks.

After their romantic dinner, the duo headed to the dance, which had just begun. It was still quiet—the rest of the school was yet to arrive—but the decorations were up and the place was dimly lit and the DJ had already begun his set. Natsu jogged over to the DJ and whispered into his ear, requesting a song, and then jogged back to Lucy.

He grabbed her hands gently, pulling her in against his chest suddenly; Lucy gasped as music began to play overhead. Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers began to seep into the empty gym, playing just for the two of them.

Lucy's heart was pounding and her cheeks went red. Natsu smirked, twisting her wrist up, holding her in position as they began to slow dance.

"Sorry I smell so bad," Natsu murmured, making a face as he sniffed himself as they began to sway. "If I'd known things would turn out like this, I wouldn't have cut through the swamp."

Lucy laughed, shrugging the smell off. It wasn't that bad. "What was the rush?"

Natsu sighed. "I figured if I didn't come fast enough you'd end up dating Gray or kissing him or something." He huffed out a breath. "So, I took a couple shortcuts."

"Yeah, I noticed. Your ass is hanging out."

The boy glanced back, peering at his pants; they were torn, the back end completely ripped off, revealing his flame boxers. He turned back to Lucy, shrugging. "You get used to the breeze."

She laughed, but then her expression fell serious. She was quiet for a couple long moments, and Natsu's expression was somber upon seeing this look on her face. He knew what was coming—the serious talk they'd failed to have so far.

He'd kissed her. Gray had left. They'd had dinner and chatted, and now they were here. They'd been stupid flirty all night, but still hadn't exactly spoken about what happened. It was going to happen eventually.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Lucy whispered, eyes flickering up to the pink haired boys'.

Natsu's gaze dropped shyly. "About what?"

"Don't play dumb, Natsu," Lucy sighed. "Why didn't you tell me before about your...feelings?"

"Because," Natsu said, spitting the words out as if they were obvious. His eyes flashed up to hers and his eyebrows raised slightly; he shook his head. "Look at you, Luce—you're so out of my league and you're my best friend and I thought you'd think I was a fuckin' pervert for even seeing you in that way, and—"

Lucy stepped forward, pressing her lips to his, cutting his words off. His breath stopped and his heart hammered and his big clumsy hands wound around her waist; their lips twisted against each other, molding together perfectly.

That seemed to shut him up.

Lucy pulled back once she was breathless, a little smile on her lips. "Shut up, dummy."

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