Chapter 15

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"By the way, Kyoya-senpai," Kaoru spoke up. "What do you plan to do about school?"

"Huh?" everyone turned their heads towards Kaoru and said.

"I mean, most of the guests here are parents of children from Ouran. I'm pretty sure that they'll tell their kids something along the lines of 'get along with Haruhi or else'," Kaoru clarified. "And besides, now that Haruhi's gender is exposed to the entire world, she won't be able to continue attending the Host Club, right?"

"Ah. You're right," Haruhi realized.

Tamaki fell into utter despair at that point.

"W-W-W-W-W-What do you mean by Haruhi can't attend the Host Club anymore?!" Tamaki shook Kaoru. "Mother! You have to do something about this!"

Kyoya sighed. "Regarding that, I've already taken that into account."

Haruhi looked at him. "What's your plan regarding this whole thing then?" she questioned. "Does father-in-law also know about this?"

"If it's regarding father, he was the one who gave me the options," Kyoya said, shifting his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Haruhi, we want you to decide on this matter. You can either choose to continue to stay at Ouran and study there, but as a girl and lady of the Ootori family, or you can choose to be home-schooled where you don't have to deal with the pretentious people around you."

"Does that mean she won't be able to attend the Host Club anymore?" Tamaki cried.

"Basically," the twins hummed in reply, though they, too, were pretty bummed out about it.

Haruhi took her two choices into account. This party had already shown her that she wasn't capable of dealing with people that expected much of her and buttered up to her because she was now part of the Ootori group. If she had to deal with that for ten hours every five days of the week, she didn't think that she could stand it. But then again, everyone at Ouran welcomed her and acted with respect towards her and she didn't think that that was going to change anytime soon. But she just couldn't shake off the fact that they might change their attitudes towards her.

"I...Let me think about it," Haruhi said with an ambivalent expression.

Kyoya nodded his head. "I'll give you one week. Once you've made up your mind, feel free to tell me and we'll have everything arranged."

"I'll tell you as soon as possible," Haruhi smiled sadly.

The Host Club had more or less of an idea regarding why she had on such an expression. Having to choose between two choices that were both equally bad, they would have made the same face. Inside, they wished that she would choose the first choice even though the attitudes from the people around her might change. 

"Well, let's not be so gloomy," Tamaki said, trying to cheer everyone up. "There's still a party going on!"

"Tama-chan's right!" Honey exclaimed. "Haru-chan, let's go dance!"

"With that bruised face, highly unlikely," Kyoya replied for her. "What if someone bumps into that bruise of hers again?" 

"I'll refrain from dancing, Honey-senpai. But, thank you," Haruhi smiled.

"Then we'll stay here and pay you some company," Hikaru grinned.

"That way you won't feel lonely," Kaoru agreed. 

"But I do have to say that you not dancing sure is pitiful," Kyoya remarked. "You even practiced so much for it."

Haruhi sweat-dropped, thinking about the amount of effort she had put into learning the waltz. "It's fine. At least I won't have to embarrass myself now."

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