قصة أصلية لـ واتباد
هذا هو الفصل المجّانيّ الأخير

Chapter 7 - I Don't Bite

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الكاتب: fishbulle بواسطة fishbulle

Fortunately Miles disappeared shorty after we arrived to Santa Monica Beach. The one hour drive there had almost been insufferable, both because of his presence and because of my hangover. He dropped us off and said he would come back later, that he had stuff to take care of in the area. I pushed my undesired disappointment to the side and decided to simply enjoy the company of my best friend on the beach this blissful summer's day.

We arranged our towels carefully, putting our shoes on top in each corner so they wouldn't blow away in the stubborn wind. I had just managed to find a position that was comfortable enough when Eliana tensed beside me and let out an excited noise.

"Oh my god, look who's here!" she exclaimed and poked my side.

I grunted and rose on my elbows, glancing over to where she was pointing. Two boys were standing by the edge of the water, both clad in bright colored swim shorts and sunglasses. Their tanned skin looked savory in the sunlight and I squinted my eyes, trying to recognize their faces.

"Is it. . . ?" I slowly said.

"Yes! It's Logan and Brandon! Should we call them over?" Eliana was practically bouncing, which wasn't that shocking considering the fact that she had been crushing on Logan since last year when he came back from summer break looking hotter than ever.

I did not like him at all. He was good looking but that didn't make up for his rude and stuck up personality.

"I don't know, maybe?" I said uncertain. I kind of liked Brandon. Or used to at least. He had transferred to our school after the summer break at the time when Logan had gotten hot, and naturally I noticed him since they instantly became close. And because Eliana wouldn't shut up about the gorgeous pair.

"Hey!" Eliana shouted before I had time to decide what I wanted. "Logan! Brandon!"

They both snapped their heads our way simultaneously, frowning before they recognized whoever called them over. Logan grinned widely and slapped a hand across Brandon's back, guiding him towards us.

"Hello, girls," Logan said once they reached us and continued to grin, not hesitating for one second as he plopped down next to Eliana on her towel.

She smiled dreamily and whispered a shy hello, making me shake my head in wonder. He was probably the only living person who could make her coy.

Brandon remained standing slightly longer, but thought better of it and sat down in front of me, barely using my towel. He took his sunglasses off and dazzled me with his smile and deep dimples. "Hi, Faye," he said.

I snatched his sunglasses up, letting them cover my eyes. "Hi."

He leaned forward suddenly, catching me off guard with his unexpected proximity and I didn't have time to react as he nabbed the hat I was wearing off my head. Smirking impishly, he put it over his dark locks. "You get to nick my glasses – it's only fair I take something of yours."

"True." I smiled back, tilting my head to study him. "It suits you."

"You look like a bum boy, you ugly fuck," Logan laughed, smacking the hat off from his head.

Brandon scowled, picking it back up and handing it over to me. "Shut the fuck up, Logan."

I glanced over to Eliana, who was conveniently busy studying her nails. She could act ignorant all she wanted, but it was obvious Logan was an asshole.

"So, what are you girls doing tonight?" Brandon said, drawing figures in the sand with his pointer. "I heard rumors about a party right here on this beach."

Eliana perked up at this, happy Brandon tried to smooth over Logan's uncalled for behavior. "Oh, really?" she said, grinning my way.

"Yeah and I also heard there would be a shitload of hot girls attending," Logan added with a wolfish grin.

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The spark between Faye and her best friend's hot older brother, Miles...
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