twenty eight

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Giggles flooded the room before the two sisters grew silent, their shoulders bouncing up and down. They rocked back and forth, desperate for air, but every time they met eyes, another fit of laughter bubbled to the surface.

Dray groaned and threw her hand over her eyes, falling back into the couch. "Man, it's been a long time since I've laughed like that." Her chest fell up and down.

A messy head of hair perked up from the other end of the sofa. "What were we even laughing about?" Lucy rubbed her cheeks and buzzed her lips. "My face hurts."

Another short set of chuckles erupted from the two. A light feeling danced in the air around their flushed cheeks and bright smiles.

Footsteps pounded into the room. The women peered through their hands and tangled hair to see their men standing above them.

"Are you ready?" Wells narrowed his eyes on Dray.

She felt cold and couldn't catch her breath for a much harsher reason. "No," she said.

Lucy crawled closer and engulfed her in a hug. "It'll be okay."

When they separated, Dray's chin fell to her chest and she stretched her neck in a slow circle. With one more glance at Lucy, the sisters stood up from their warm spots and followed the guys out the door.

Nash dropped Wells and Dray at her house. He pulled in the driveway and put the truck in park. "By the way, I had Cliff and some others clean up your house, Wells." He looked into the backseat. "We'll help pay for any damages."

Wells gripped the door handle. "You didn't have to do that." He glanced at Nash.

Dray watched one of the first genuine smiles she had seen on Nash appear—the kind that lit up his whole face.

"We did," he said.

Wells shook his head, but returned the smile. "Thanks, Nash."

Dray hopped out of the truck. Despite the moment forging a bit of happiness, her focus remained on getting tonight over with.

She waved to Lucy in the front seat and left for her front door. She faintly heard Wells telling them about leaving in a few minutes. Nerves reached through her fingertips and she took a little bit longer to unlock her door.

Inside, she bypassed the lights and darted straight to her bedroom, coming back out with her camera around her neck and a memory card in her hand. She plucked it out of her computer—wincing as she didn't turn on her computer to eject it—on her way out. She almost forgot it.

Wells waited outside. He scanned the road back and forth as Dray locked the front door. He looked down at her, his rapt manner softening. He held out a hand.

Dray snatched it and started walking. Coming back to the familiar trail sent shivers throughout her body, but they had a job to do and it started with a little acting.

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