Chapter 13

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The score was a tie between the Rejects and the Wanderers. The extra innings were needed to break the tie.

Olive was a pitcher. She stood on the mound while everyone in our team watched in anticipation. At last, Olive threw a fast-speed ball, which went into Harper's glove neatly. We breathed a sigh of relief.

Another pitch.

Olive took a deep breath and held another ball in her hand. Then she raised her left knee up before sending another flying ball. It went into Harper's glove again. As we did in training, she threw it back across the field, Olive ducked so that it could pass on to Tonya, but a Wanderer ran like a wind and slide through the ground to steal the base before the ball was caught.

"Safe!" the umpire cried.

I heard Mitko groan the loudest. Now the visiting team was leading us if they scored another run.

"Come on, don't blow it, gals!" yelled Mitko. "You can win it!"

Could we win two games in a row? No one in our team had imagined that. The idea of winning was so foreign that we all lost the plot for a second.

That second was just enough for the Wanderers to come back stronger. They were a really tough team. Their players were in sync with each other. They even managed to steal our homeplate when we didn't pay attention.

The last inning came.

"Come on, Olive!" Nora was crying to her. Suddenly, everyone was hoping that Olive would be the important key she was meant to be. I could only imagine the pressure. Not to mention one from your ultimate crush.

On the pitcher's mound, Olive recoiled again and hurled the ball forward in an impressive speed, I bet it must have hurt her cut chin just to do it because she yelped a bit afterward.

But the Wanderer batter slashed the air with her aluminum bat, and -pang!- the ball shot out like a white bird into the sky. April was too far away at the center field, we all knew she couldn't reach this one on time.

But then I found myself running. I didn't even realize I was running until I blazed across the field some twenty feet. My lungs were burning in my chest. I heard the crowd screaming my name. I glanced up and saw the ball coming down towards the farthest edge of the wall.

It was hopeless, trying to catch it. Only April had that ninja moves. What was I thinking?

I couldn't feel my legs anymore, but I couldn't let the Rejects blow it now. At that moment, I realized I cared so much about this team, I didn't care if my lunges exploded -as long as I stopped that ball.

Then I threw my body forward as if I could close the gap by stretching myself. Half of me stayed inside the field while another half leaned over the fence that separated the sideline, and the ball hit straight into my leather glove with a thud.

I almost fell over to the other side but managed to drop back to the field. The loud cheering was a blur of noise in my head. I had never heard people cheering so much in any game I'd played. As I lay gasping on the ground, I saw Charlotte on the sideline. She was smiling with her camera forgotten in her hands.

We'd done it. We won the second game. A game we thought we were going to lose. Around me, I could hear the rest of the team going crazy, leaping around each other. I couldn't move. My teammates came running to me.

"Darci, you're a legend!" Rosie's voice spoke. Olive reached down her hand to hoist me up.

When I got up, I could see the parents and supporters squealing and hugging each other. What an excellent sight.

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