Chapter 20

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A little recap cuz I didn't update in a long time 😬:
Jennifer is rude to Joclyn. Joclyn and Scott go to ColdStone. Grayson gets worried. They come home and fall asleep.

Joclyn's POV

   I woke up with a smile on my face when I felt a warm body next to me. Slowly I opened my eyes, squinting at the light. Judging from Grayson's slow breathing, he was still sleeping. I blushed when I saw our limbs tangled and that I was literally on top of him. I tried to move but froze when he groaned and tightened his arms around my waist. I pouted because I really needed to use the bathroom. I poked his nose to try to wake him, I tickled him, I blew raspberries on his arms, but he did not wake up. I huffed. Not thinking twice, I planted my lips right next to his lips.

   That woke him up.

   "Princess..." he trailed off in his husky morning voice. My eyes widened at what I just did.

   "Sorry," I squeaked out. "You weren't waking up and I really had to use the bathroom. I didn't think twice." I was sure my face was red as a fire truck. His arms loosened and then tightened against my waist. His body shook as he chuckled. I smiled lightly because I loved his laugh. Everything about him was just amazing. I looked into his grey eyes and was immediately sucked into the intensity of them.

"Princess?" He asked with that handsome smile on his face.

"Huh?" I asked in a daze.

"I asked you a question," he said slightly chuckling at my embarrassed face. "Why did you wake me up? Not that I'm complaining. You can kiss me anytime."

"I need to use the bathroom," I blurted out quickly. His arms loosened, but before he let me go, he gave me a kiss right next to my lips. I jumped out of his warm embrace and ran to the door. Leaning against the wall, I took a deep breath as my cheeks reddened.

"That was payback," I heard him yell. I smiled at his goofiness and did my business. Stepping out, I saw that Grayson was still in bed. I froze when I noticed something.

He wasn't wearing a shirt.

   I made a mad dash to the door, but before I could twist the knob two arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up. Grayson dropped me on the bed and crawled on top of me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

"N-nowhere," I stuttered, my face turning a deep red.

"Are you lying to me, princess? I don't like liars," he said grinning. My eyes widened.

"What are y-" I couldn't finish my sentence when Grayson started to tickle me. Almost immediately I started laughing. I tried to get out of his hold, but he held my arms up.

"Grayson! Stop!" I yelled through my laughter. He was laughing at my misery while continuing his assault. Tears streamed down my face due to the amount of happiness and joy in me. I don't think I've ever been this happy before in my life.

   "I'll only stop if you give me a kiss," he said with a smirk on his face. His fingers danced around my waist as I moved around to free myself.

   "Never!" I got out through my laughter. He continued his assault until I finally gave in.

   "Okay! Okay! I surrender!" I said taking in a needed breath. Grayson smiled triumphantly at my state.

   "Okay, I want my kiss now," he said with a childish smile on his face. I lightly glared at him as my cheeks got even redder. Why do I blush so easily?

   "Umm... About that..." I trailed off awkwardly. I could never do that. Ever.

   "Nuh-uh. We made a fair deal. I want my kiss." He closed his eyes and puckered his lips. I closed my eyes tightly and leaned forward to kiss his cheek quickly. I got up and ran out the door and into the hallway.

   "Princess!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the corridors. I giggled and ran to the kitchen for breakfast. I skidded to a stop when I almost crashed into Scott's back. His arms came up to my shoulders to steady me.

   "Woah Speedy. What's the matter?" He asked amusingly.

   "I need to hide. Grayson's chasing after me," I said in a hurry and looked around for a hiding spot. I saw an open cabinet and crawled into there. Putting my finger up to my lip, I closed the cabinet doors. My breath hitched as I heard Grayson's voice asking where I was. I smiled giddily at his confused face as he looked around.

   I let out the breath I was holding when he left the room. Looking around, I saw a box of Oreos next to me. Ever since I had that Oreo ice cream with Scott, I had been addicted to them. I slowly opened the box and say the chocolate goodness. Don't mind if I do. As I stuffed my face with Oreos, I failed to hear the footsteps that got louder and louder. Suddenly I was surrounded by light as the doors were opened. I looked up with wide eyes at an amused face.

   "Found you."








   "Joc! This will look so good on you," squealed Emma as she held up another shirt to my torso. The five of us were shopping for my clothing since I'm not "up to date" with the fashion trends. It was nice that they cared for me, but I was tired of trying on 5 million pieces of clothing. I also felt really bad using Grayson's credit card, but he said not to worry.

After he had found me stuffing my face with Oreos, he proceeded to carry me to his room where we spent most of the day watching movies and playing games. It was the most fun I had in years. After lunch, he had to leave and told me to go shopping.

So here I am sitting on the bench while Emma, Violet, Sophia, and Olivia chose my clothes for me. I didn't understand why we had five men following us and holding our bags for us. I had asked Emma why they were here, but she just said they're friends and wanted to help.

   "Hey, I'm about to go to the bathroom," I said getting up.

   "Okay, we'll be right here when you come back," Olivia replied going back to looking at more clothes. I smiled at them and made my way to the restrooms.

   Finishing my business, I was about to leave when I felt pain in my head before the world went dark. The last thing I saw was a face I never wanted to see again.


  Please don't hate me. I know this chapter was short and not what you guys wanted.

To be honest, I didn't feel like writing anymore and I got into a funk. But now I'm out of that funk and I'm back to writing. I don't know when the next chapter will be because I have school, track, and a job. So I'm a busy woman. But I will post it soon.




Bye my potato fam!!! ( I should make merch for this)

His Princess !! DISCONTINUED !!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα