Truth or Lies?

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The sound of crickets chirping surrounded me.  I felt like I was lying on top of the hardest bed imaginable.  It had no back support at all, and I don’t even think I was using a pillow.  Yet, on top of me, I had the warmest, most comfortable blanket ever.  It kept me feeling relaxed and for reason, I felt at ease, which was big deal considering I’ve been stressed for the past few days.

I blinked my eyes, trying to get them accustomed to the fading sunlight.  It was dark out, but not so dark as to where a majority of the stars were coming out.  I saw the full moon.  It was brightly glowing in thee far side of the sky, keeping everything lit up in pale light.

Then I saw Vincent.

This fool was lying on top of me, his face towards mine.  He had on the goofiest smile as he stared at me, his eyes still yellow.  What a weirdo.

“Mate,” he cooed.  Well I guess he’s through with calling me Nora.  Maybe he only did that to pull with my heart-strings during his emotion-riddled speech about how much he loved me.  Whatever.

“Up Vincent,” I said, wanting him to get off me.  “Let’s go back to the house.”  It was late, and there was no way I intended on sleeping outside in the open.  With all the bugs…and wolves.  Humans were told to stay inside because unmated werewolves on a full moon were known to attack, sometimes accidentally killing.

Vincent shook his head and tightened his arms around me.  “No.”

I scoffed.  “Why not?” I demanded.  I had just fallen asleep in a field.  A frickin’ field!  I felt like I needed a shower and badly.

Vincent lowered his head towards mine.  “Nora afraid of Jason,” he said.  “Vincent protect Nora.”

Oh.  That thing.

“It’s fine Vincent,” I said, attempting to push him off me.  However, he was way too strong for me, and kept his arms fastened around my body.  I kept trying to wiggle to at least get loose, but it was no use.

“What in Florida?” Vincent asked, making me freeze.

Did he honestly just ask what I thought he did? “What did you say?” I quivered.

Vincent smiled, his canines gleaming in the moonlight.  He got off me and stood up, towering over me.  He reached out a hand to help me up.

“Why did you just ask me that?” I asked again, not taking his hand.  My heart beat began to speed up and I could myself start to shake even though it was rather hot outside.

Vincent huffed and grabbed my hand, yanking me to my feet.  He pulled me close to him and began to walk back into the forest.  “Nora talk in her sleep,” he said.

Oh shit.

Vincent was now leading us onto a path that I didn’t notice when we reached the field.  At least I know he’s taking me somewhere where other people are…maybe.

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