IV. Late Night Texts (edited)

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After Connor and I hung out for a while as we ate Nonna's brownies and played my PlayStation for about two hours, I finally called it a night not wanting to risk falling asleep in church the next morning.

After I took a quick shower, I slid on a new pair of boxers before I settled into my sheets, the intensity of the conditioning I'd partaken in mere hours ago finally settling into my muscles. The only positive was that I found sleep easily...or I would've if only my phone–which I forgot to silence–hadn't obnoxiously burped out a text right when I was in the nice median between being awake and asleep.

I let out a monstrous groan as I blindly extended my arm, aimlessly reaching in the dark for my phone. Once I found it, I turned it on and the brightness momentarily blinded me before I mindlessly tapped my phone until I found the brightness slider and slid it all the way down.

Ugh. Still too bright.

After a few moments, my eyes adjusted to my screen and I saw a message from an unknown number.

Unknown (22:45): Enjoy your pizza? ;)

I looked at my phone in confusion, my brain still clouded and hazed by sleep as I replied.

Me (22:48): Who is this?

Thank God for autocorrect (sometimes) because if I didn't have it, it would've come out as Whoi zyh osz?

Within seconds, my phone produced another text.

Unknown (22:49): How r u feeling btw? U really gave my dad and I a scare. I would've given u mouth 2 mouth but unfortunately we were interrupted. I'm still down for it though ;)

I had to read it over and over again to try and prove that my brain was playing tricks on me, but unfortunately I couldn't. Once I came to the horrid realization, my heart rate increased and sleep was easily forgotten.

Me (22:51): Madison? Wtf? How did you get my number?

A text bubble appeared as he typed and my heart raced as I waited a couple moments for his response.

Unknown (22:52): You can thank your Nonna. She thinks I can be a "good influence" for u, whatever that is :p She also said she was impressed how I calmed you down and thought it'd be beneficial that we got to know each other...I had the same idea, but for differences reasons

I couldn't help the blush that decorated my face. He didn't even have to be in front of me, yet his words still affected me so much.

Me (22:56): In ur dreams Williams.

Unknown (22:57): U know it ;)

I rolled my eyes.

Me (22:59): I don't have time 4 this, Mads. I'm tired.

Unknown (23:02): Do u need me to come over and help you get to sleep? He joked, causing me to let out an irritated sigh.

Me (23:05): Bye Madison

And those were the last words I sent to him before I turned my phone on do not disturb along with silencing it for good measures. Even when it vibrated holding a cocky response from Madison, I willed myself to ignore it, and instead counted sheep all named Madison until I fell asleep.


"Come on, Noah! We can't be late for church!" Nonna called as I hurriedly tried to properly tie my black necktie.

"I'm moving as fast as I can!" I whined as I moved on to putting on my newly polished black dress shoes and nearly tripped and fell on my face in the process.

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