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Her car stops in front of Maria's house and Madison tells her driver to wait.

She always gets out to greet the Garcias properly. It's the polite thing to do and she has a special fondness for Mrs Garcia. There are the sounds of kids playing a game of football somewhere nearby, the air is tinged with that lazy afternoon sweetness that casts everything in the world in a soft, warm gold, and Madison feels herself begin to breathe a little easier. She is about to walk up to Maria's door when her phone rings.

Madison checks the caller ID automatically and her lips purse a little but she gamely turns her body away from Maria's house to pick up. It is Emily Bishop, the old queen of Redwood Academy and now reigning queen of her family's company. Madison admires the girl deeply, knowing that she will follow in her footsteps, when she leaves Redwood Academy, too.

She looks absently towards where the kids are playing and wrinkles her nose in quiet distaste. She has never liked sports because it seems like a terribly dirtying thing to do and she doesn't partake in anything with mud other than mud masks, as a personal rule.

"Hey, sweetie," Emily drawls easily.

"Emily," Madison greets warmly.

One boy is apparently really good at the game because he keeps whooping like a gorilla and generally doing his bit to help prove Darwin's theory of evolution. Madison curls her lip in distaste, unimpressed.

"Are we still on for this week?" Emily is asking, as the boy tears off his shirt like the ape he is.

Madison wouldn't be surprised if he starts thumping his paws against his chest and demanding bananas like some Tarzan reject. Even so, she can appreciate an attractive body when she sees one and Madison eyes him. He's rather well-built and quite toned, too, from what she can see. Her gaze rakes across him appreciatively and her mouth goes dry.

"I know that you have your family stuff and I've got my own father thinking he can dictate everything I do with the company," Emily is continuing. "And, sweetie, there's just so much to catch up on and I need a good break. They're all driving me crazy."

"Of course," Madison assures Emily quickly. "You know I'd do anything for you, Emily. We're meeting at the Four Seasons, yes?"

Her gaze narrows and Madison's lips part in slight shock. The boy is none other than Nicholas Hawthorne.

She's been gaping like a thirsty bitch at that?

Madison thinks she's going to throw up.

"I'd accept nothing less," Emily agrees easily. "You always do have the best taste, sweetie."

She pauses to speak to her assistant and inadvertently gives Madison the time to reel away in disgust, twisting her body. Madison is not sure why she's feeling so hot, her cheeks flushed in slight embarrassment.

"Oh, and sweetie, before we meet, you have to do something about your heavy muscle of a father."

Madison is so startled she almost drops her phone, her heart hammering away in her chest. She swallows thickly, fighting to catch herself. "I thought I already had," she says, and thank God her voice is cool and blank. "Is he not yet gone?"

"No, sweetie, bless your heart. My people say that he's sticking around. Apparently, he's really interested in gaining back all he lost," Emily says, and Madison's jaw tautens. "I'm just warning you, of course, because I love you. Mwah."

Madison thinks briefly of the various rumours permeating the air thickly around Emily Bishop and the Bishop family name. She chooses the most dangerous rumour and makes a note to divulge it to Emily as thanks, when they have brunch together at the Four Seasons. Perhaps she'll offer her own assistance, Madison thinks before scrapping the idea.

Rise Like The SunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora