~Chapter Tobias.~

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Jason stayed in Percy's cabin that night in one of the few bunks that were in there. He said he didn't want to be alone which was only a half truth, the other half was he didn't want to leave Percy alone.

Jason knew that Percy would always put someone else before him, and Jason knew Percy would break if he did anything stupid to hurt himself. But Jason was afraid that if he wasn't there Percy would have already done something reckless.

As the boys slept in there beds they couldn't help but think how lucky they were to have each other now that the girls had betrayed them.

The were afraid the rest of the Seven would side with the girls considering what good speakers they both were, Piper with the Charmspeak and Annabeth with the brains they could pretty much convince anyone of anything.

Around 4 in the morning Percy felt a presence next to him, and a shove to his naked shoulder.

He opened his eyes to see Jason next to his bed, wide awake.

Percy sat up and Jason sat across from him his back to the wall.

The boys were identical in there looks, shirtless with baggy plaid pajama pants. There hair wind swept and messy, lips in a pout, eyes that were innocent yet old dispite the fact they only had 18 years to there name. Scars covered there chests and arms, the boys were very fit and you would think they worked out all day, but it was simply the constant running for there lives and genetics, they could be described as god like. Boys that were normally cheerful despite there circumstances were in mourning and not there usual selves.

Jason had tear stained cheeks and red eyes, it was clear to Percy that he had had a nightmare.

"What was it about?" Percy asked.

Jason shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, Jason was in pain, emotional pain so strong he was having physical pain in his chest and he felt he would collapse at any moment.

"It hurts, Percy..." Jason sobbbed, "How could they do that to us?".

Percy didn't know what to say, it hasn't felt real until he actually saw Jason cry. Percy's throat started to hurt, like he was under water for to long, he couldn't breathe.

Percy panicked he had only ever felt this way once before and that time he was in the sea but the water had poison in it.

This time he was son his bed and he couldn't breathe his throat was closing up on him.

Jason sat ubrupdtly when Percy's face started turning red, he could sense Percy wasn't taking in air even though his mouth was slightly open. He quickly took one of Percy's arms and wrapped it around his neck so he could get Percy on his feet to take him to the infirmary.

Using his powers Jason pushed small pockets of air down his throat into his lungs, while running to the infirmary.

"Will!" Jason yelled climbing the three steps to the infirmary lugging Percy up them as fast as he could.

Fear started to set in, that Percy would be added to the list of people that had left him.

He yelled Will's name again, just as Will, Austin, and Nico rushed out.

Will and Austin quickly grabbing Percy as Gently as they could and carrying him to the nearest bed.

Will quickly putting an oxygen mask on his face and taking his blood pressure.
Percy started coughing harshly.

Austin looked in his eyes, and checked his heart rate.

Will jumped up from where he stood next to Jason and closed the curtain separating him, Austin and Percy from Jason and Nico.

Jason caught a glimpse of fear in Will's eyes before the curtain snapped shut.

Nico was studying Jason, "You ok?" He asked.

"My best friend isn't breathing and I don't know why and Im scared so no I'm not ok." Jason rushed.

Nico could sense Death which was why he had asked.

Obviously it would make sense that the boy on the other side of the curtain not breathing would be the one Death was looking for, but he sensed a dead aura around both of them which could mean Jason would stop breathing at any moment.

He couldn't think of a reason Death would be around Jason AND Percy, the aura was nothing like he had ever felt before.

It was definitely Death but it was something more, it filled him with sorrow, it was as if Death was sad to be there.

Austin rushed out of the area where Percy was, "He's stable, going to get Chiron." He rushed.

Will came out he looked exhausted, confused, and worried.

He sat down in one of the chairs next to Jason.

"What happened?" He asked Jason.

"I don't know I was asking him a question and all of a sudden his face started turning really red and he wasn't breathing."

"How did you know he wasn't breathing it's four in the morning what were you guys doing?"

"I slept in the Poseidon cabin, I woke him up and we were talking about stuff."

Chiron came in with Austin panting behind him.

"Whats happened with Percy? I couldn't make out anything, he had said." Chiron gestured to a red in the face Austin.

"Per-" "We-" Jason and Will started speaking at the same time.

Will gestured for Jason to talk.

"We were on Percy's bed talking and I noticed Percy's face turn red and that he wasn't breathing properly and I brought him here." Jason told Chiron nervously, they didn't get permission to have a sleepover and although he wasn't worried he would get trouble in that moment he knew once everything was sorted Percy and him were going to get questioned.

Chiron looked to Will for the Medical view of what had happened to Percy.

"It was clear his throat had closed up but...", Will stopped wondering if he should be sharing the information with everyone there, really only Chiron should know.

"Well Chiron, we should probably talk somewhere else about this..."

Jason glared at him and Nico was questioning his motives, Austin nodded his head and immediately went to the back office.

"Let's step outside so Jason and Nico can see Percy." Chiron suggested, waking outside.

Will opened the curtain for them and followed Chiron outside.

Chiron faced Will, "Is Percy ok?", Chiron was thinking the worst, for any demigod to randomly stop breathing was unheard of.

Will shuffled his feet nervously, "Well-".


Ok I finally got you guys an update!

So what do you all think of Percy and Jason's relationship?

Not to much to say I'm tired 😴😴😴




Or just be silent

Peace out homies!!!!

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