Chapter 24

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Author's note: on the side a video of the intro for a soap opera called "Quinceañera" (from the '80s) which pretty much explains the concept of what a "quinceañero" means.

Fighting her instincts to protect her freedom - Chapter 24

The door opened and a teenager came running and jumping into Sebastian's arms. Sebastian laughed while hugging his sister.

Meanwhile, a woman approached Ariel.

- Hello. My name is Linda and that's my daughter Vanessa.

- Nice to meet you, Linda.

Vanessa stopped laughing and ran to her. 

- Oh hey! You're her! This is sooo cool! I've been waiting for Seb to meet his mate since like forever. And you're here just in time too! My "quinceañero" is next month and...

Sebastian cut his sister speech short by putting a hand on her mouth. 

- Sorry about that. Kids these days, you know?

Ariel giggled while Linda shook her head and asked them to come inside. 

Sitting on the couch was Sebastian's dad. They looked very much alike, Ariel was quite surprised. She approached him and shook his hands.

- Dad, meet my mate, Ariel. Ariel, this is my old man.

- Hello sir, it's nice to meet you.

- Oh, Ariel, it's so nice to meet you too. And please, just call me Oscar.

- Well, nice to meet you Oscar.

- Why don't you sit next to me while Seb goes help his mom and sister in the kitchen?

Sebastian looked at him suspiciously.

- Don't scare her off, dad.

- Why would I do that? Go on, get us some drinks and stuff.

- Yes, sir.

When Sebastian was out of the living room, Oscar started his private conversation with Ariel.

- So Ariel, you must forgive my curiosity but since Sebastian never mentioned you...

- I understand. What do you want to know?

- Well, why did he keep it a secret?

Ariel winced. She was dreading that question.

- I... I never actually wanted a mate. I know it sounds weird, shocking even, but I liked my freedom. Anyway, he agreed to give me time to think about it and he did... But then the war started and we got involved in it and... Anyway, we are a couple now, but we haven't performed the official mating ceremony yet. I'm still not ready. So I guess he didn't want to introduce me to the family because he thought I would be uncomfortable.

She said it all quite quickly, so at the end she released a long breathe.

- Oh. Well, that makes sense then. I hope we won't scare you off or anything. Seb is a good boy, and I just want my son to be happy.

- I'm not scared. I just need time. I... I'm still young and forever seems so... Well, permanent.

She laughed nervously until Oscar patted her.

- It'll be alright. Don't worry. 

He smiled at her with warmth and she smiled back, feeling relieved. That's when Sebastian arrived with their drinks.

- Mom says lunch will be ready in ten minutes. 

- Great, I'm already hungry.


Fighting her instincts to protect her freedomМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя