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Emma's P.O.V

I stared out of the car window looking at the scenary, it's beautiful and clean. Trees planted nearby walkway casted beautiful shadows, it's branches danced along with breeze making me feel some weird kind of emotion. The tall skyscrapers touching sky arrogantly looked down on people. People can be seen everywhere, it's a busy city.

To my dismay, this beautiful scenary is not helping me feel any better. It's reminding me of my old place where I used to live, it used to be just like this, but it had a homely feeling compared to this. I'm missing my home, my friends, my college, everything.

Life there was a perfect. I enjoyed every second of life there. I don't know how I'm going to stay here and start a new life, making new friends, adjusting for this new life style. 

After graduating my high school I was about to apply for university but my dad stopped me and told we are moving to Paris and he has already applied for my university seat over there. I didn't agree with him and argued for a week but my dad finally lost his patience with me being childish and ordered me strictly which I couldn't deny even without my will.

Today is my first day in college and I'm very nervous and angry. If I hadn’t moved here I would have gone to college with my best friends, Ben and Nat, happily. The goodbye to them was painful. I have known them for as long as I can remember. What makes me irritable is that I don't even know the reason why we moved here. I asked my parents but I never got a proper reply. They said it's because of dad's business we moved here which is a lie. As far as I remember we don't have any branch office here and when I told the same, they said they are planning to do it and that's why we are moving here. Their reasoning is not convincing at all. If they want to start a new branch here let them do, but why bring me here? I'm not needed here.

The car came to halt only then I realised we are in front of my university. The entrance arch written in brown gold color in block letters said 'HANFORD UNIVERSITY'. I turned to look at my dad who was reading my expression.

"It will be alright, Em. You will do great here, trust me." He tried to reassure me with a smile.

"You think so?" I doubt myself that I’ll fit in here.

"Of course. Just give it a chance who knows you might like it here." He reassured by squeezing my hand and I nodded.

I got out of the car and waved a bye to my dad. I let out a heavy breath and started walking to the front. I shifted my bag to let out my nervousness and held it tightly. Students were everywhere, some were giggling, some were arguing about something, some were looking at others with boredom expression and commenting on them, etc. I could feel so many eyes on me, studying me from top to bottom.

Don't they have any other business to do? Ignoring their scrutinizing gaze somehow I made it to the reception. There was a long queue in front of me, I stood in the line.

When my turn came I was about ask the reception lady who was in her mid- thirties, but I was interrupted by a blonde hair girl. She took her schedule and left, she didn't ask me sorry or excused herself for breaking the line. I wanted to shout at her and teach her a lesson of manners but I controlled myself. I don't want to get into fight on first day of my college. 

I don't think I'm going to like this place.

Huffing in annoyance I asked the reception lady for my schedule.

"Name, course and year?" She asked in a bored manner not even looking at my face.

"Emma Kings. Business management, fresher." I answered. 

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