Chapter 11

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A couple of faculty members retreat to the library upon my halfhearted request, bringing our school supplies to us in the infirmary.

Creighton and I end up sitting in the nurse's office for about fifteen minutes, until the headgirl, a mousy senior, uses her abilities to move Amber into the infirmary with her mind. The headgirl leaves almost right away, undoubtedly freaked out by what's happened to the youngest of her fellow prefects.

Once the girl's gone, the nurse turns her attention to Creighton and me.

"I suppose the two of you can sit with her if you'd like. There's no harm in it. I've seen the three of you and that Parker boy together a lot, you seem like friends of hers."

Creighton doesn't speak, but I nod.

"Amber was one of the first people I met here," I admit, "and yeah, I'd like to think we were friends."

The nurse leads the two of us to one of the infirmary's rooms, pushing open the door.

Amber's form has been deposited on the bed through magic, with no real care as to how she was positioned. She looks as though she's been thrown there instead of placed gently, and for some reason that angers me. Someone made the attempt to throw a blanket over her without touching her, and the job was fairly poorly done.

I take a seat in one of the chairs, taking in a shaky breath.

The nurse lands a hand on my shoulder, her kind eyes meeting mine.

"This is terrible." she says quietly, "That girl had so much potential. Could've been headgirl in two years if she kept on the right path. If there's anything-"

I cut her off softly, meeting her gaze.

"I'll manage," I tell her, "it'll be hard, but I will. If I were you, I'd be more worried about her."

I glance to Creighton, who's sitting next to me. She's not crying right now, but she's staring into space with an uncomprehending expression. She hasn't said a word since we got here.

The nurse skewers Creighton with the same pitying gaze that was previously focused in my direction.

"Shock," says the nurse, "I'll bring her a draft for it in a bit."

She takes a deep breath, running a hand through her fiery red hair before turning back to me.

"You're the only one of the two here who is fit to give details," she says, sounding as though she hates saying what's about to come out of her mouth, "and you did find her. The police are coming. They'll want a statement, even if they know next to nothing about the magic at this school. They'll be prying, asking what you saw and how you saw it. I can talk to them, and I'm sure the headmaster will, but they'll want to hear from you I'm sure."

"Fine," I say, already having suspected it, "I'll talk to them. Tell me when they get here."

"Are you sure you-" the nurse wonders, but I cut her off.

"I said I'll talk to them!" my voice is a shout, and I flinch. For the first time since we've gotten here,Creighton glances at me.

"Tim," says the nurse, her hand returning to my shoulder, "you've been through a great deal today. Don't put yourself through any more if you don't feel as though you can handle it."

"I'll handle it." I tell her, sounding a bit less panicked, "Someone has to."

The nurse shakes her head sadly, bustling out of Amber's room a few moments later.


The police do come, clipboards in hand. Two of them sit me down on a bench directly in front of the stone fountain, the lion seeming to watch me while the officers ask questions.

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