One || Beginning Of The End

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It was a clear night filled with light from the gleaming stars that shone though a window of a small cottage, on the outskirts of the Transylvania countryside. A small girl was huddled in her bed, shivering with fever. He unnatural blue hair clung to her sweaty hart shaped face, he sparkling blue eyes were dull and filled with pain. He parents were downstairs, trying desperately to lock, bolt and chain the windows and doors, the sounds of whimpering and crying mixed together caused them to look at each other with a look of fear. The parents yelped in fear and surprised as something heavy landed with a thud on the roof, shaking the small cottage. The sound of claws scraping against wood causes them to cringe and cover their ears with their hands. Tears flowed down the mothers cheeks as she looked around frantically before grabbing the father by his shirt.

"Please don't let him take my baby," The mother begged.

The father held the mother tightly and let her sob into his shoulder, the whimpering and crying had turned into screams causing the mother to cry harder. The small girl had started to thrash around in her bed, she desperately clawed at her chest as waves of pain washed over her. Her screams were becoming louder with every second until they became growls and roars.

A loud knocking came from the door but the parents wouldn't answer it, the knock came again but this time it a harsh knock. The father grabbed his gun and the mother ran to her child's room where she pulled the young child to her chest and rocked back and forth. Downstairs, the father was standing by the door that had started to be rammed into by an unknown person, the father readied his gun as one of the bolts flied from the door.
"Go to hell," The father mumbled before the door was broke down and a pale man, with long straight black hair walked in. He wore all black and his clock was lined with red silk, his eyes were blue/green. He smiled an evil smile as he circled the father, three women wearing silk loose clothes walked in followed by a blue-ish werewolf.

"You thought that you could keep her from me Vladimir," The pale man sneered.

"No I didn't but I tried, you will not take my daughter Dracula," The father, Vladimir growled.

Count Dracula slammed his fist on the table now separated him and Vladimir, his three brides squealed in fright and hid behind the werewolf.

"She has the power to bring my children to life, you think I would let that that opportunity slip through my fingers. You are wrong Vladimir, both you and your child me," Dracula shouted but drifted of into a whisper.

"We will never belong to you, you monster," Vladimir shouted bravely.

The Count shook his head as he walked over to his brides, he whispered something into the werewolf's ear, causing the werewolf to growl and lunge at Vladimir. The mother heard a gunshot and held back a sob, the sound of bones crunching drifted into the small bedroom, the girl shook violently against her mother side.

"Mama," The girl cried softly in a small delicate voice. The mother turned to her child and stroked her blue hair.

"Shh, mama's her baby," The mother whispered.

"It hurt's so much," The girl said, her voice became deep and more demon like.

The mother sobbed loudly causing the vampires and werewolf to look towards the stairs, the Count smirked evilly as he turned towards the werewolf next to him.

"Bring me the child and kill the mother," Dracula ordered.

The werewolf growled and bounded up the stair, he crashed into walls as his claws slipped on the wood, his eyes burned with excitement as he barged into the small room. He caught sight of the mother and child that was huddled together on the bed, he growled and the mother scream, the werewolf lept forward and grabbed the mother by her ankle causing her to cry in pain. He dragged her from the bed and cut of her screams by snapping her neck with his powerful jaws.

"Mama!!" The girl shouted.

The werewolf looked up at the girl and snarled, he was about to grab her but the girl launched herself at the werewolf and sunk her newly developed fangs into his shoulder. The werewolf howled in pain and tried to grab the child that moved away from his clawed hands, the girl bit and scratched at the flesh she could reach, her eyes burned bright blue and her hair shone in the darkness. The girl jumped off the werewolf as he ran into a wall, she landed in a crouching position with the tip of her fingers touching the floor, she growled at the werewolf and leapt out of her bedroom window. As soon as she landed on her feet, she bolted for the forest with her hair blowing through the wind. The werewolf bolted after the girl, his claws digging into the earth as he propelled himself forward, the girl looked behind her and saw the werewolf gaining on her so she stopped. She faced the werewolf with a growl, the moonlight illuminated her pale skin. She lifted her hands and pointed them at the werewolf, a beam of fire erupted from her hands and shot the werewolf backwards into a tree where it was knocked unconscious. The girl dropped to the floor and pulled her knees to her chest, she let her tears fall as she remembered her mothers pained face, he fathers bones breaking and the pain that had coursed through her heart.

"Mama.....Papa.....gone," The girl cried softly.

The girl had ran for days on end, her tiny legs carried her through the rocky plains of Europe and all the way to Rome. The girl was weak from hunger and dehydration, she was extremely skinny and pale. Her eyes were dull and her hair was covered in dirt. She walked through the streets of Rome, cold and alone. She searched desperately for somewhere to rest but no where looked safe to her that was until she saw a large building in front of her. The church of Rome was what the sign said, the girl saw a man walking up the stairs and ran over to him, he looked old and kind but he still had a hard face that showed no emotion. The girl tugged on the man's robe causing to look at the girl and when he did, he nearly had a heart attack.

"Oh my," He breathed as he picked the girl up.

He rushed into the church and set the girl down on one of the benches before running off to get some food and water, the girl sat quietly and looked around the church until the man came back with a plate filled with a mountain of food and a glass of apple juice. He handed the plate to the girl and watched as she ate slowly and quietly, he had thought she would have scoffed down the food due to the state she was in.

"My child what is your name," The man asked, the girl swallowed her mouthful of food.

"My name is Shade, Sir, what is your name?" The girl replied in a soft voice.

"My name is Cardinal Jinette," The Cardinal replied. "Where are your parents?"

"My Mama and Papa where killed, I ran away from our home in Transylvania."

The Cardinal Jenette gasped as he realized how far this girl had traveled, she should have died due to starvation and dehydration, halfway through her journey her but somehow she had manged to survive. But how?

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