Chapter 4

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Thank you again to @HarborKid for another cool cover!!!! 💖💖

Rex stared at the sheet of paper on her desk. She hated homework, and hated that she had to Zavier's too. Of course he knew all the stuff, but why did she have to do his homework?

"Because you're my slave," Zavier said as he barged in without bothering to knock.

"That was a rhetorical question."

"This one isn't: why are you interested in Archer?"

"Archer? Hmm..... Who's that?"

"Don't play dumb," he growled, his eyes becoming red.

"Oh, you mean Mannix? I don't see how that's any of your business," she replied, setting her pencil down and turning to face him.

"Yes, it bloody well is."

"I beg to differ. Why were you trying to attract Suzanna's attention after school today?"

"That's none of your business. Don't-"

"Haha! See what I mean! 'Yes, it bloody well is!'" she mocked carelessly.

She was rewarded by a blow to the face.

"Really got you this time, eh?" Her tone was dryier than a desert.

"I don't know why I put up with you." He sat down on the bed. "You're infuriating."

"I try to be. I rather dislike being a slave." Now she was sarcastic.

Zavier shook his head. "Never mind. I didn't come up here to argue."

"I should hope not. I'd hate for you to disgrace yourself."

He growled again. "Blood," was all he said, however.

Rex sighed. "Half an hour and I'll bring it to your room." Her palm began to hurt. She could feel her blood throbbing through her veins.

He nodded. "Half an hour and no longer, unless you want to fully join me as a vampire." His voice was low and scratchy like an abused DVD. His eyes were the color of an eclipsed moon.

"Not yet," she whispered as he left.

She pulled out a dagger from her drawer. It was a gorgeous dagger, carved with many shapes and figures, made out of the highest quality metals and the color of deep ocean blue. It had been a gift from Zavier, and for some reason she treasured it, a fact that she had kept hidden from him.

She needed a goblet, or at least a bowl. She grabbed one from the shelf above her desk, took a deep breath, and carefully sliced her hand open. The blood dripped into the bowl.

Blast! Not fast enough, she thought quietly. I'll have to move on to my wrist at this rate.

Her stomach churned. She didn't mind the sight of blood, but watching her own dripping into a bowl, knowing it would feed an undead creature........ It was nauseating sometimes.

The bowl was about half full before she began feeling dizzy. She removed her hand from above it, grabbed her dagger, and stumbled into the bathroom to wash both.

"Something the matter, Archer?"

Mannix shook his head. "No, not really. I just can't stop thinking about Rex."

"Tyndale's girl?" Roe laughed. "She is something, boss. But I would be very wary of a pretty young lady who knows rich young men."

"True, true. But there's something about her I just can't shake."

"I'm sure every other young man who meets her feels the same," Roe responded wryly. "I've been a young man, so I know. Here's your house."

"Thanks. See you tomorrow."

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