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I just want to say a couple of things.
*Lately I have seen compilations going around about YouTubers saying how they hate Dan and Phil and how the phandom is just all young people who are just idiots and stuff like that and I just want to say if you don't like the phandom or Dan and Phil don't watch their stuff
you don't have to throw shade on them or us just because we are however old we are and because they're Dan and Phil.

* also this is something that is always going around and I'm pretty sure no one can stop it but Dan and Phil smut edits I just want to say there's a special place in hell for the phandom ok
......we have our own corner in hell....so if you guys want to bring the food I'll bring the Wattpad and the YouTube and then the whole Phandom can come and hang out there
and now if you're apart the phandom don't tell me you haven't seen one smut edit because I know you're lying.

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