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"Gran, Gran!" I call out irritable, the woman gracefully turns on her feet. She grins at me and the girls behind me. "Yes, dear? Want me to kick out little Miss short cake?" The girls behind me snickered, obviously trying to get on my grandmothers good side. I glared at each of one their snobby, pointy, too-caked face. "At least my girl doesn't look like a cake." I growl out, turning around but before I leave another one mutters something under her breath.

"She's so...weird." I narrow my eyes, poking my tongue against my cheek. "And you know what's weird...your breath has been stinking since you've been talking to me. Here, I'm sure my gran has a breath mint lying around somewhere." They all gasp and the girl dramatically leaves.

"Zion Woods! I did not raise you to be rude!" Gran hisses. "But look how you're treating the love of my life." She huffs, turning around and walking to a quieter place. "Zion...she's so...tasteless. Clumsy! Always falling over the place, she's spilled more than one drink tonight. Even dropped a plate! A plate!" She shrilled.

I sighed, fisting my hair. "I know you seem to think you love her a lot but honestly there is so much better! You both are so young...feelings change from time to time." I laughed humorlessly, I shook my head.

"You don't think I had the same stupid mentality as you? I saw this girl, wearing clothes I'd never think someone would have the balls to wear. A girl who laughed so weirdly, and too much? She didn't know who I was, even when she walked right into my fathers building with our name on the door...that idiot...my idiot she," I take in a breath. Smiling.

"She doesn't give a fuck who I come from. But all these girls do. Even if they swear they don't, they do. I know you're scared of that, that just because she wants to be a designer right after she gets what she wants she'll leave me but she's not like that at all. All she wants to do is be liked by you because she knows how much you mean to me. She's the sweetest thing, so fucking loving, and kind to everyone who doesn't need it." She sighs, pressing her hand to her forehead. Her eyes look behind me and a smirk crosses her features.

"Well, your sweet Clementine over there seems to have forgotten of your love." I furrow my eyebrows, turning around to see some blonde chick-dude leaning closer and closer to Clementine. I clench my fist ready to knock him out but Gran holds my shoulder back. "No need. I'll call the guards-" She let out a gasp as Clem's hand flew up to the guys face.

"Do you rich people not know what no means?!" She yelled. "I'd never kiss you, ew!" She squealed shuddering in disgust. She was tipsy I could tell by the extra loudness of her usual soft voice. "You be nice to guys and they think you're in love with em. Am I right or am I right, ladies?!" I let out a sigh, looking back at my grandmother with a disappointed look.

I quickly walk over to Clementine, wrapping my arms around her. "Hey baby," I cooed, Clem tilted her head up against my chest and she gasped. Whirling around, she narrowed her eyes and jabbed her finger against my chest. "You. You think you can, hey baby, me?! You left me here alone for a whole entire hour and a half." She glared at me, huffing and puffing.

I glanced up, still noticing the guy who stared at Clementine with shock as he held his cheek. "I-I've never been...I've never been rejected I-" He stopped talking watching with such awe at my girl as she flared her arms. "Bo, honey-" I pinched her and she groaned even louder. "Bo, kid," She tested, looking at me and I nodded happily, kissing her head. "I told you, like literally when we first started talking and I thought we were friends. I love Zion, Zion's it for me but no. You had to go and try to kiss me." She shook her head bringing the glass full of champagne to her lips.

I shook my head snatching the glass and putting it down far from her.

"Zion, you suck." She growls out, putting her arms together and folding them across her chest. "Yup, all over your body." She gasps, "You see! You say stuff like that and that makes your granny hate me! I swear, I wasn't even sexually active until I met you." She said shaking her head. Gran pulls me away gently, Grandpa right behind her with a smile.

"Clementine..." Clementine looks up hazily, I watched as she instantly straightened her shoulders, her face falling a little. My heart ached for my poor baby. She really thought she was not good enough. "I heard that...my nephew is really smitten by you." Clementine grins and lets out her cute little laughs.

"I love him just as much, Zack and Zephyr a little bit more though." Gran gaped, "Y-you know about...Zephyr?" Clementine nods. "Yes, he's the sweetest. So creative! He's always making me little tunes and beats." Clementine says giggling. I take a seat across from them and Grandpa follows.

"I'm...surprised. Zion never brings any girl to see the boys. Let alone Zephyr." Clementine smiles shyly, "Well I accidentally met them." Gran raises an eyebrow. "Well, Zion does this pool party during the last day of summer," She points her sarcastic tone at me and I roll my eyes while Gran laughs happily. "And well I went to change and I didn't know that was Zion's personal room." She laughed awkwardly, playing with the rings on her fingers.

My chest stirred as I daydreamed about her wearing a ring I give to her. A certain ring that goes on her middle ring finger. My lips twitches up in a smirk as I think about what our honeymoon is going to be like.

"You've...watched that movie?" I tuned back in, watching as Clementine nodded her head back and forth vigorously. "Oh my gosh yes! I was four when I first found the movie and I wanted to be her." Gran squealed, "I remember when that movie first came out! I've always been so in love with Audrey Hepburn. She made me want to move to New York when I was just ten." She laughed.

"Yeah, I was obsessed with her. And when I found out she donated a lot I cried and begged my mom to get us a donation spot." I noticed Grans face. She was instantly sold, "And do you...still donate?" Clem nods, "Of course, I got a job. Mostly to help my mom with all the bills but she wanted me to start using my own money." She smiles at the memory.

"I am so sorry!" Gran cries out, pressing her hands to her face. "You are so-so sweet and innocent! I-I thought when Zion told me you were interested in becoming a fashion designer you were using him to get to me...Emilia told me how perfect you were but I was so skeptical." Clementine gushes, "Y-you don't have to worry. You were just looking out for your grandson...I know you raised him instead of his parents-" Gran sniffled, "And you're so understanding." She cried as she wrapped her arms around the small girl.

"Please do come back, Clem. I really hope I haven't scared you off." Clem smiled happily at my Granny. "Of course! I can bring all the photos I have of the boys." Gran gasped, "You'd do that for me?" Clem nods, "Well, yeah! You are their grandma. And you haven't seen them in a while so why wouldn't I?" Gran grinned and pulled her into another smothering hug.

"Gran, Gran. Can we please go now?" Grandpa chuckled and I glared at him. "You haven't been a help at all grandpa." The old man smiles, "What do you mean? I got the both of them tipsy!" I sighed and shook my head.

"Alright, Clementine. Let's go. Parties over." I pulled her away, and she pouted. "But I love Diane." Gran cooed as she leaned against Grandpa. "I know, I know. Bye Gran, say bye Clementine." She waves sadly.

"Bye Diana."

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