Chapter Five: The First Fight

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The only thing I wanted was this war to never happen or for time to stop. It seemed as if everything was against me. In those short two weeks Dayton and I have been receiving notes about Jason still wanting me. How he wouldn't stop at nothing to get me back and watch this empire fall. Our plan was simple, stand guard until the attack. The wolves were on our side for the most part. King Eric stayed here with most of his men since last week. Vampire warriors were ready and placed in battle armor. Tonight was the final war. Something that would be remembered for the rest of our lives and farther on. This was the worst thing that could happen if my life.

Being mated to my beloved and having an amazing friend is all I could ever want. My life never started easy, from being taken and beaten down to a war or my being. Even if I were to die tonight the Kingdom would surely fall.

Dayton and I were in bed the sun was just starting to go down. I looked at him and smiled. "I love you Dayton. I want you to fight until your very last breath even if something happens to me. You have a whole kingdom that shouldn't have to suffer for my loss. Jason wants to take over your kingdom and take me. There isn't just one piece to his game but two." I kissed his lips and slipped out of bed before he could stop me but who was I kidding. With his Vampire speed he had me pinned to the wall. "I don't intend on losing anything that belongs to me. That includes you and the Kingdom."

He trailed kissed down my neck and stopped right above my breast. I let out a small moan. Dayton's fingers slipped into my panties and into me. Before I could think he had his erection pressed into me and I moaned out his name.

Dayton and I were getting ready for the war. He said that our sex was for good luck and I laughed at him. Halsey burst into the room and pinched her nose. "You guys stink. Anyways I brought this for the both of you for tonight." She smiled weakly. She held a box and I grabbed it and slipped it open. Inside were sleek yet very protective fitting suits for Dayton and I. "I'm going to be in tiger form what will this help?" I laughed nervously. "Well you see since it's a magical suit it's got armor for when you shift to protect your tiger and for King Dayton it will be able to keep up with his speed and strength." Halsey said.

Dayton and I quickly threw the clothes on and headed to the ball room where everyone one was located. Dayton and I took our place upon the thrones. Crowns placed upon or heads and everyone knew we were ready. Weapons were in everyone's hands from guns to swords. "In just a few hours we will have a battle we're many of us will die but not in vain but in honor. Those who fall tonight will be with our goddess and those who live tonight shall be rewarded with another day with peace. We will not lose tonight. We will fight until our enemies have taken their very last breath. We will destroy Jason and his men!" Dayton roared.

Everyone cheered and King Eric smiled proudly. He wanted to win just as badly as everyone else. My stomach began to grow queazy and my mind grew clouded at the thought of being back in the clutches of Jason. Dayton grasped my hand and smiled.

By now we were outside and I held a sword and two pistols were connected to my belt loops. It was silent outside except for everyone's racing hearts and breathing. There was an odd heart beat but I couldn't place who's it was. I looked at Dayton confused and he looked at me shock written on his face.

"Baby are you pregnant?" Dayton's voice rang In my head. That is the first time he mind linked me. My hand involuntarily was set upon my stomach and I pressed down hard.

"The first hybrid."

My tiger spoke up. I thought we couldn't have kids. My heart sped up. "How is this possible?! I thought we couldn't have kids." I mind linked to Dayton. Wolves began to growl and vampires hissed and I looked ahead and saw Jason. "Hello sweetheart. I've come to collect what is mine." He snickered and a growl tore through my throat. A hiss sounded next to me and it was Dayton. My claws itches out and my fangs extended. "You will not take my beloved!" Dayton charged after Jason but plenty of rogues blocked him.

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