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Three Months Ago:
Ralph: Where are we going exactly?

Jack: You'll see...

The two boys reached the top of the mountain and there stood a pile of wood for a fire. Ralph was stunned.

Ralph: Did you pull all of that together by yourself...?

Jack shrugged.

Jack: Wasn't that difficult. Though my back bloody hurt after...

Jack stretched out his back which made a loud popping noise. Ralph shook his head.

Ralph: You know you could have asked for help...

Jack shrugged again.

Jack: You were all asleep... Couldn't just wake you up you'd be mad.

Ralph: Didn't you wake me up early just now...? And I'm not mad...

Jack: Beside the point. Now we're able to start over with the fire, except this time we ought to keep it going and make sure there is plenty of smoke.

Ralph was shocked that these words were coming out of Jack's mouth. Wasn't Jack all about the hunting? Or at least more enthusiastic about hunting then being rescued? Apparently not...

Ralph: Now we just need Piggy's specs to light it...

Jack gave Ralph a look for mentioning Piggy. Ralph looked back at him.

Ralph: What? What's so bad about saying Piggy's name...? I'm not even directly talking about Piggy...

Jack said nothing, Ralph had always questioned Jack's bias against Piggy (internally of course) and didn't understand it. His thoughts quickly formed into a verbal question.

Ralph: Why do you hate Piggy so much Jack? I don't understand, he has a phenomenal brain, good leadership ideas. He might not be physically appealing, but to me he seems like he's better fit to be a leader than me...

Jack looked at the ground.

Ralph: Jack.

Jack sighed.

Jack: You know I don't hate him... I agree he's got a sharp mind full of great ideas. A much better leader than you and I, no offense.

Ralph: None taken... but why are you so mean to him then...?

Jack: Two issues I deal with, one, I ought to control my anger better. Two, I'm a honestly little jealous of him...

Jack finished the sentence in a whisper. Ralph was barely able to hear it.

Ralph: Jealous of what?

In a few seconds Ralph's body felt the warmth of two arms around him. As Jack stood in front of him, the just rising sun's rays reflected off of Jack's pale, freckled skin and messy red hair. Ralph gently put his hands on Jack's chest to keep some space.

He looked into Jack's night blue eyes, and felt the heat and love wash over him in a massive wave, he was so desperate to have Jack, but Piggy... Simon, his homophobic dad. Everybody he cared about who would hate Jack. Ralph couldn't have him, even if it emotionally killed him.

Ralph: J-Jack no... we can't...—

Jack: Can't what?

Ralph: I-I can't, we can't be together... I-I can't be yours....

Jack looked confused and hurt at the same time making Ralph's heart start to ache.

Jack: Why?

Ralph: Because nobody would approve of it or allow it... I-I'm sorry we can't—

The Chief's Lover (Lord of the Flies) [JALPH]Where stories live. Discover now