Chapter XXVII

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Chapter XXVII

It was probably the most random idea I had ever come up with. Based on nothing but a memory, a thought, a sudden inspiration. Not to mention it was something I was not at all certain to be true, I was desperate though, and desperation can drive a person to places where reason has a set a roadblock. I told my uncle I was going for a ride, had George saddle my horse and took off. Only when I neared the little house did I realize how stupid this whole endeavor was, but by now there was no turning back.

I got off Rainstorm and marching up to the door (in an attempt to boost my self confidence), gave a firm knock.

Mrs. Brags answered. “Why, Miss Rose, what a surprise, we weren’t expecting you to call.”

“I wasn’t planning on calling until an hour ago,” I said in an apologetic tone as she let me into the house.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, I mean, yes, I mean, Mrs. Brags, I have a rather strange and extremely frank question to ask you and if I wasn’t so desperate I wouldn’t come like this and put forth such a delicate question, but necessity forces me.”

She lifted both eyebrows as she motioned me to a chair; then took a seat herself.

“Whatever is the matter, Miss Rose?”

“You are a part of the underground railway, are you not?”

She was so taken back by the question I had thrown at her it made her abruptly lean back in her chair.

“Oh, I know this is not the proper way to go about things,” I fumbled on, “but I remember when I was here that you had a black man in your home and you were trying to keep him a secret. I know you are against slavery, so I concluded that you were part of the underground railway. Only don’t get upset, because that is a good thing! You see, I have this slave, he’s a very dear friend to me, but he’s going to be sold and I want to get him out of here before it happens. I would just set him free, but nobody would understand me and I don’t think my uncle would approve, so I thought, what if I could help him run away, but I don’t know how to go about it! Then I suddenly thought of you and here I am,” I had spoken all that in one breath and now breathed deeply, wondering if perhaps Mrs. Brags thought me to have completely lost my mind.

“And so you’ve come to me?” She slowly said.

“I didn’t know where else to go,” I sighed. “I know I sound like a lunatic, forgive me if I do! I’ve only got two days. The day after tomorrow, Mr. Hartbert comes for Sammy and I need him gone by then. I also have to do it in secret; if I bring any gossip towards the family and thus slander the family name, Aunt Helen will remove my head. The family honor means so much to her.”

Mrs. Brags sat blinking at me for a couple of minutes. I played with a loose strand of hair while I waited; it was a habit of mine when I was nervous.

“Since when have you been interested in helping slaves run away?” She asked at last.

“Since an hour ago,” I confessed. “It’s a really complicated situation, Mrs. Brags, a nightmare really, and it’s all my fault. If I don’t put it right by helping Sam to get out of here, I’ll never be able to live with myself. I can’t go into details, but you must take my word for it.”

As she sat deep in thought, I glanced at the clock and bit my lip. I needed to get home before dinner was served and I didn’t have much time. My aunt was very strict with punctuality and for the past ten years, I had not been late a single time for any of the meals, I certainly wasn’t going to start now.

“If you can have him somehow get here tomorrow night,” Mrs. Brags spoke up, “I have a conductor who could get him up north.”

“Tomorrow night, alright, he’ll be here. I easily can arrange that.” At least, I hoped I could.

Sarah's Roses, Book I: Roses of BlueWhere stories live. Discover now