Chapter 41

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Serena's POV:

The Dranek paused as he turned his head towards the trees and gave several loud whistles. He slowly unsheathed his sword before carefully putting it down in the grass. He also put his bow and arrows on the grass.

The Dranek watched me for a moment before slowly walking towards me in a non-threatening manner. I backed up a few more steps in confusion. I had no idea what he was doing or what to expect. His chest armor and arm guards clearly showed that he was a fighter. I knew his strength outranked mine by leagues. He wouldn't need weapons to kill me.

Rustling in the trees around me alerted me to more arrivals. Three other unarmed Dranek were slowly approaching from different directions. I stopped where I was, shaking slightly in nerves. There was nowhere for me to go. I thought this race left a path open for others to run through? I was quite surrounded.

"Easy, we mean you no harm." My eyes darted over to a smaller female approaching from the side. Her soft high-pitched voice was clear.

The other three stopped, but this female continued forward slowly with her empty hands visible. She wore more clothing than the male, although her shirt was closer to a halter top and her leggings only went halfway down to her knees. They all towered over me with their height, which didn't help with my nerves.

She approached slowly, obviously trying to keep from alarming me further. "I am Saphira. We will not harm you. This forest is dangerous for one such as yourself to be wandering around in alone. You were obviously separated from your group and you are quite some distance behind our lines. What is your name?"

They were probably quite curious as to how an unarmed non-combatant like myself had managed to get past the battlefront. I hadn't even been aware that I was on the wrong side of the battle line, and there was no way to escape them. Perhaps they would take it easy on me if I cooperated. They hadn't attacked me on sight at any rate.

I ducked my head nervously, "I'm Serena." The bond was twisting with my nerves, I hoped that it wasn't affecting Darien too much. His temper was not an easy thing for others to bear. My heart throbbed at the thought of him.

Saphira's eyes reminded me of a cat, although they were more of a golden-amber shade. They had an odd glitter to them, like sunlight hitting a clear glass marble. A quick glance at the other three watching showed that it was a trait likely shared by all Dranek.

"Pleased to meet you. Please allow us to escort you to our camp. Honest, none will harm a singer."

That startled me, although I didn't show it. I had not been singing, so why had she called me a singer? There was no way to decline gracefully, and I had to admit that their approach was preferable to being forcefully bound and hauled back for an interrogation. I nodded slowly, although I was sure they saw my uneasiness.

Saphira gestured to the path and I started walking. The other three ranged around us further out as they alertly watched the trees. Saphira walked beside me while giving me some space, "How did you get so far out here?"

I had expected that question. My voice was quiet, but I was sure that their hearing was excellent, "I am not entirely sure. I got separated from my mate when some rat-like creatures attacked our group, although I eventually managed to escape. I wasn't aware that I was south of the battle line."

I left the Queen and her people out of the discussion, lest they try to attack them. They could kill as many of the rat creatures as they wanted as far as I was concerned. Saphira's eyes focused on me, "Chosen mate or soulmate?"

They knew about soulmates? Apparently, they did. Hopefully, I didn't jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. "Soulmate."

She frowned in concern, "Being apart isn't good for soulmates. Doesn't the separation hurt?"

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