Bonus 💜

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Yoongi laid on the couch listening to his girlfriend plunk out random notes on the old, upright piano.  She had made very little progress but to be fair it wasn't her fault.  She was busy with helping him and the other two rappers get everything lined up for their new contract. 

"Noonaaaaaaah!!  Please!"  Taahyung's voice loudly whined from his room.  He had been very patient with Yoongi's new frequent guest but he was trying desperately to finish a commission and the constant plunking was close to driving him to madness.

In all honest, her practicing was starting to grate Yoongi's nerves a bit also, but instead of getting impatient with her, he simply got up and walked over, nudging her to scoot over on the bench.   He sat down and cast a sidelong glance at her before easily placing his hands into the keyboard.  As his fingers deftly moved among the keys a beautifully soft melody rang out.

"Thank you, hyung!"

Macie giggled quietly and sighed.  "I should try to figure out a schedule to practice when Tae isn't home." 

Yoongi shrugged.  "He's always home," he mumbled, fingers still moving slowly.

"I'm well aware," she grumbled. Macie laid her head on his shoulder and listened to her boyfriend play.  Everything was quiet and comfortable between them, even though they had only been together a couple of months now.  Everything between them had moved very slow, and she accepted that as Yoongi's style.  She felt Yoongi's shoulders heave into a sigh and the music ceased.  She sat up and looked at him curiously but said nothing as she watched his eyes stare intently at the keyboard.

"You know we're moving to a company dorm soon," said Yoongi, a hint of sadness in his voice. 

"Mm hm."

" also know I'm going to have to keep you and I...well, on the down low."  His voice held a tinge of sadness. 

Macie looked down at the black and white keys and nodded.  She reached over and removed some dust between two black keys and then put her hands into her lap. 

Yoongi watched her and sighed softly.  "Macie, I've wanted to do music my whole life but to be honest, I'm really happy with you.  I don't want this to come between us because I like what we have.  Maybe I shouldn't have even signed-"

Macie vigorously shook her head.  "Don't even say it," she said, effectively cutting him off before he could say something he would regret.  "What if you and I don't work out in the long run?  You would have turned down this once in a lifetime opportunity for some woman you didn't stay with!"

"Who says we won't work out," he said lowly. 

"Well, no one in particular," she hedged, now fidgeting nervously in her seat.  As she moved to get up, Yoongi quickly grabbed ahold of her hand, tugging slightly to keep her in place.

"I'm happy with you, Macie.  I've never been so happy that someone answered my stupid ad as I've been since you came along.  You've helped change my life, and not just because you got RM, Hobi, and I an audition.  You make me happy."  His eyes bored into hers and he felt an urge to lean forward and he followed it.

Macie watched him edge closer to her and she stilled.  This was something they had never done but she would be lying if she said she hadn't wanted them to.  As she watched him move closer to her face she thought to meet him in the middle and leaned forward slightly herself.

"Hyung, I wanted to let you know that I talked to Jimin and-" Taehyung stopped and looked up from his phone just in time to see the couple suddenly jump away from one another, causing Yoongi to fall off the piano bench and hit the floor.  "Oops," giggled Taehyung.

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