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"At this moment, there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, that war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world. 6 billion souls. And sometimes, all you need is one." -One Tree Hill



I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Scarlett?" My dad's voice called out.

My stomach dropped.

It had been two weeks since I had come back and found out that my father was engaged. I had successfully managed to avoid him during this time. I'd leave for college after I heard him leave the house for work and I had dinner in my room.

Looks like my luck had run out.

"Yes dad?" I tried to keep the hostility out of my voice.

The doorknob turned and my father hesitantly stepped inside. I looked at him expectantly and he cleared his throat.  He rocked a little on the balls of his feet, stalling. 

Finally, he spoke up, "We're having some guests over for dinner. I want you to come downstairs and meet them."

"Who?" My voice had a sharp edge.

"Sara's family." My father's voice didn't waver.

My jaw clenched as I tried to control my anger.

"I think I'll pass. I'm not feeling too well." My response was clipped.

He sighed.

"Give Sara a chance Scarlett. You don't even know her, how can you hate her without even knowing her? She's a good person. I know you'll like her."

I just shook my head sadly. "That's the thing dad. I don't hate Sara. She's not the one who drove us away, she's not the one who gave my mother so much grief and stress that it eventually got the best of her and made her sick. Sara didn't kill my mother. So, no dad. I don't hate Sara. She's not the one I hate."

"I'm trying here Scarlett. I really am. But you're making it so hard. There's a lot you don't know."

He ran a hand down his face. For the first time I noticed how exhausted he actually looked.

"Just please come down for dinner." He said quietly before walking out.

About an hour later I heard the doorbell ring, indicating that our guests had arrived.

I sighed.

Reluctantly, I threw on some presentable clothes and reluctantly made my way downstairs. I entered the hall and I could see my dad's back as he greeted an elegantly dressed middle aged couple. Sara stood beside him her hands wrapped around his arm.

I felt sick.

I couldn't believe that he'd ever loved my mother. I wanted to scream but I kept all my emotions bottled up. It wasn't worth it.

He must have heard me enter because he turned around.

He smiled, it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sanders I'd like you to meet my daughter Scarlett." My father introduced me.

I smiled politely as I went over to them and shook their hands.

Something about them seemed eerily familiar.

My dad answered my unspoken question. "Mr. Sanders is the town Mayor."

Suddenly my mind was reeling.

Town Mayor?

Why did that sound so familiar?

Mrs. Sanders gave me a sweet smile. "Our daughter is about the same age as you. Maybe you two know each other?"

Someone stepped out from behind them. Someone I hadn't noticed before.

"Oh, we know each other really well mother." An all too familiar voice spoke up.

"Right Scarlett?" Her icy eyes met mine.


She was Sara's sister!

This could not be happening.

My father was getting married to Nichole Sander's sister!

The girl who'd tormented me throughout high-school. 

The girl who had made my life a living hell.

My father was getting married to her sister!

I couldn't form any words.

I watched dumbfounded as my father led everyone to the dining hall.

"This is going to so much fun. We're going to be one big happy family." Nichole hissed in my ear as she bumped into me harshly and moved ahead.

Why couldn't my nightmare just end already?


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