Who Are You?

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          "Help me." Harry hurried down the corridor, Hermione following. The others looked at each other and shrugged before lighting their wands and also following, although much more cautious.
          Harry raced past all the empty cells until he came to the last one on the right. This cell was darker and colder than the others and Harry squinted as he pressed his face to the bars.
          "Hello," he said softly. At first, he thought maybe he was going crazy as there was no reply. Maybe, when his uncle had tried to choke him, the lack of oxygen had done more damage than he'd thought? "H...hello?" he whispered, a little uncertainly this time. Great. His stutter was back. There was what sounded like a rustling of cloth from the far corner.
          "Harry?" Suddenly Harry was staring into a pair of crimson-colored eyes.

          Draco was unsure what to do. If this man was who he thought he was, and he'd only ever heard of one man with eyes like rubies, then Harry could be in great danger. This could all be an elaborate trick.
          "Go get Professor Snape," Draco whispered out of the corner of his mouth, not taking his eyes off of Harry talking to the man. Blaise and Pansy nodded and hurried off. "Harry," he said quietly as he stepped closer. He gulped when the man turned his eyes to him but he pushed his fear away and took another step. "I really don't think we should be here, Harry."

          Harry looked back at him and then back at the stranger. He was scared but something was telling him to talk to this man.

          "You're the man from my dreams," he whispered, proud that his voice was only a little shaky and he was no longer stuttering. The man smiled.

          "Yes." Suddenly there were footsteps and the man disappeared back into the dark.

          "Harry, we should leave," Hermione urged but the other boy didn't move. He peered into the cell, trying to see where the man was.

          "Harry!" Suddenly, Severus was at his side and picked him up, ignoring his protests. "Harry, what are you doing down here? Are you hurt? Did..." He paused when something in the cell moved into the light.

          "Severus." The Potions Master narrowed his eyes at the man, trying to place where he saw him before. The eyes flashed red and he gasped.


Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the small chapter. I was going to make it longer but that seemed like a good stopping point. So, any guesses on who Sal is?

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