07 | Mysteries

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Her uneasy feeling lasted for the rest of the meal and carried on throughout the time she spent sitting with the mercenaries. They knocked back mug after mug of rum while loudly ribbing each other. None of the conversation was worth listening to in her opinion, as they mostly talked about visiting their favorite girls when they docked in Eol, their next few days at sea, and their general opinion of Nuri the ass. Still, she stuck around. After all, the only other option she had was to go back to her cabin and return to her pacing.

At some point, she would have thought Lykos would stop them. Letting his entire crew get drunk was a bit irresponsible. However, he abandoned them to their own devices, wandering off to a ladder that seemed to lead up to the stern. At first, she was going to ignore him. After all, when was she going to have a better chance to try and swing opinions her way? However, just as she was turning her attention back to a discussion about the port's best brothel--Sophos quietly begging the others to change the discussion, as he was convinced a lady shouldn't be listening to them talk about working girls--she caught sight of a familiar, nearly transparent man.

Instantly, her veins filled with fire and she jerked back around to glower at the gatemaster. Like Lykos, he seemed to be heading for the stern. Determined to give him a piece of her mind, Iliana jumped to her feet. A quick glance at the crew revealed them to be too busy teasing Sophos to pay her any mind. She jogged over to the ladder, then quietly scaled the wooden rungs. As she neared the top, Lykos' quiet voice floated across the air.

"Finally showed your face, Aran?"

Silence punctuated his words. Iliana stilled, her hand tightening around the last rung. Chewing Aran out sounded nice, but eavesdropping was even better.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you don't approve. You don't have to keep reminding me," Lykos grumbled.

Internally debating the action, Iliana decided to peek her head just barely over the edge of the deck. The late hour would help her stay hidden. At least, she hoped it would. Sending a quick prayer for luck up to Koun, she focused her gaze on where Lykos stood. His back was to her, but from the way he was hunched over slightly with his arms tucked in front of him, she figured he was leaning against the railing. His head was turned to the side, attention seemingly focused on where Aran stood.

The gatemaster had his lips pursed, his expression as unreadable as ever. Something about it must have registered with Lykos, however, because he gave a loud, annoyed sigh and turned his head back to the open ocean.

"This is why Eumelia calls you an annoying older brother," he complained.

Aran turned his eyes skyward. His elbow rested against the ship railing, body angled towards Lykos.

"Yeah, well, if you disagreed with the plan, you didn't have to go along with it," Lykos continued. "Look, best turnout, everything's fixed. He fucks himself over with his own greed. And if that doesn't happen..." He trailed off. After a moment of tense silence, he cocked his head back, staring up into the starlit sky. He rose a hand from the railing and angled it as if he were measuring the stars. "Then we sail on as always, and pray to the gods we didn't send the lass to her death."

Aran shook his head and shoved away from the railing. Iliana instantly ducked her head down to avoid being seen.

"It's still our best shot, Aran. I won't give up before we've even tried. Either way, I have to do it. So, I might as well try and save my world while I do. Besides, it isn't as if we haven't done worse shit, right?"

Iliana's mind was churning. Was Lykos talking about her and whomever had hired him? If so, it sounded as if Aran didn't approve. Was he another potential ally? She shook her head. That was doubtful. He'd been the one to lure her to Lykos. Even if he didn't approve, he was following the plan.... A plan that even Lykos didn't seem to like.

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