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Justin's POV: "What do you mean that you never dated a transgender?" Wynter asked confused. "I'm saying......Early on, Ahja told me that she was trans. I thought you knew, I mean you are her bestfriend". I said. "No...she never told me that. I feel so lied to". She said angry. "Hey, calm down. Lets just sit down and call her and see wassup". I said, trying to calm her down. "I don't want to talk to her, f**kin' liar". She said pissed off. "Aye, calm allat, you not about to do this. My son back there sleep and you're cursing". I said getting pissed off myself. "Man f**k this, it's nothing but lying, fraud ass people around here". She said, getting up and walking out. What is wrong with people? Wynter's right though. I need to fix this issue. I need to have a sit down with Monique and Ahja. Honestly, I don't know if this will be a "LHH" moment or what. I just know that Ahja deserves nothing but the truth. Before I do anything, I have to ask Ahja to be mine. Its around 6:00pm now, let me call her and see if she's up for dinner. Ok y'all, I got to go...

Ahja's Confessional: Wynter's ass has been avoiding my calls and she fails to realize is, I'm the boss and I'm gonna write that ass up. Its 6:05pm and she was to be here at 4:30pm. She's definitely getting documented for a NO CALL NO SHOW. I plays no games when it come to my business because at the end of the day, work has to get done. PERIOD! In the mist of me mentally going off, Justin ole daddyish self call me. Lets see what he wants..
Phone conversation.......

Ahja's POV:
Me: Hey boy, wassup?

Justin: What's good ma?

Me: None much, trying to get someone to cover Wynter's shift. She didn't call in or show up. Have you talked to her by any chance?

Justin: Nope. I was actually calling to see if you wanted to have dinner? I have a surprise for you and I wanted to talk.

Me: That's fine. Let me get finished up here and you can come pick me up. Where are we going anyway?

Justin: That's for me to know and you to find out. But, I'll be there around 7:00pm.

Me: Ok. See you later. Bye.
End of Phone Conversation...

Justin's Confessional: So tonight's the night when I ask Ahja to be my Girl. I knew it took me forever but, I had to end everything that I had with Monique, off. On top of that, I'm taking her to court for my son. I'm not trying to take him from his mama, its just he'll be better off with me.
A week ago.....

Justin's POV: "Look Monique, I'm sick of dealing with ya ass. The only reason I stick around is because of my son. That's all done now. I have a girl....scratch that, I got a beautiful woman I'm hurting because I'm still f**kin' you". I yelled at her. "F**k you nigga. All you do is cheat and complain. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be shit". She screamed. Man, I'm not even hearing her right now. "On top of that, you a careless ass mother. You ditching my son to go be with yo hoe ass friends and you partying, getting your hair done but, you asking me to pay ya rent". I yelled. I was at my breaking point. "I'm done with your ass and I'm filing for full custody. Bye bitch". I said, walking out her raggedy ass place she call a "home". "You not taking my son away from me". She said, grabbing my arm. She started crying. "You think that crying shit gone make me change my mind? You wasn't crying for our son when he's went without food because of his ain't shit mother". I said. I was so over Monique at this point. "Justin, please don't take my baby from me. He's all I got". She begged on her knees. "I'll give you weekend visits". I said and with that, I got in my car and dipped.
Present Day....

Justin's Confessional: So that "surprise" I got for Ahja is going to blow her mind. Y'all just gonna have to stick around to see what I got her. Honestly, I don't exactly how she is going to take it. I got her know what, never mind. I'm about to head out and go pick here up. Ya boy done got all dressed up and everything. I mean, i want this night to be special. So, to make this night even more special for Ahja, I actually had a limo go and pick her up. I had already made it to the restaurant and when I got there, I was greeted by some white lady who look like she needs to be at home. I'm just saying.

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