Chapter One: Hooked

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Chapter One: Hooked.

"Did you sleep with her?" I ask, looking out my bedroom window. Although my back is turned to him, I hear my boyfriend shift his weight from foot to foot before he starts to walk towards me. "Don't walk. Just talk," I snap, my voice hard and firm.

He stops walking.


"No pet names, either," I quietly order.

There is a short silence and I can feel my heart beat bouncing against my chest.

"Just tell me what happened."

"…Elle, I just…after that fight last night, I wasn't thinking straight and…not to sound like a girl or anything, but she tried to make me feel better and she…well, she made me feel wanted…needed." I hear him shift from foot to foot again, a nervous habit. "We…well, we hooked up and we uhh…I almost slept with her. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't sleep with her and left as soon as I realized…I went back to my room. I spent the night there and came here as soon as I found the guts to face you."

"How far did you get?" I ask, my voice hard.


"How far?"

"…Pretty far. We didn't go all the way…but we were moving faster than we were thinking…we did mostly everything else," he admits, his voice quiet and low.

I swallow and turn around to face him.

He stands with his hands in his loose but expensive jean pockets. He doesn't have much visible muscle; the only proof that he is at all athletic rests upon his shirt-covered six-pack that he works so hard to maintain. I always liked the fact that, to the outside world, he looks like an ordinary college student while he actually developed an impressively toned body. Like a silly teenage girl, I felt like it was a secret about him that only I would ever see and appreciate.

Now, I would have to share the secret with Anna Lynn.

Brett was always running his hands back through his light blond hair and, as a result, it always seemed as if he had combed it back that way. His dark green eyes, so different from my brown eyes, were what originally attracted me to him, and his smile…well, his smile is what really got to me five years ago.

"Elle? Elle! Are you listening to me?" I tore my eyes away from the back of the blond kid's head and turned to face the group of girls sitting on the steps with me.

My best friend's dark eyes shined in amusement while a few senior girls also watched me curiously. Taylor, was the only freshman sitting on the steps with us and she had small satisfied smiles on her face.

"Sorry, Britney. What's up?" I asked my best friend. She didn't respond and instead just watched me. "What?" I snapped after a moment or two.

"Why are you staring at Nicolette?" she asked, referring to Nicolette Joyce-Walton, Taylor's best friend and girl who Brett was currently speaking to.

"She's not staring at Nicolette," Taylor giddily piped up, "she's staring at Brett."

"The cute nerd?" One of the sophomore girls giggled.

"Brett! So that's his name!" I spoke and everyone let out a laugh as Britney shifted her position on the school steps.

"You're such a bitch, Giselle."

I rolled my eyes, completely ignoring Britney's teasing words. How was I supposed to know Brett's name? I didn't even know he existed until he transferred into my Junior year English class a few weeks ago.

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