✎ CHAPTER 7: What Happens At Midnight

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Five hours ago:

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Five hours ago:

At some parking lot, Josh was in his car, but he was not alone. Beside him, at the shotgun seat, was Agent Gale Robinson. They were in the midst of discussing something.

Josh scratched his neck a second then fidgeted with his collar another. He appeared to be struggling to find his voice. He cleared his throat and finally turned to Gale.

"So, you're telling me that Kevin might've been taken by some crazy killer who picks up a new victim every week or something?"


"And you know this how?"

"I have studied his patterns and victim lists. Kevin is a highly possible victim of this criminal."

"God, I hope not." Josh stared blankly at his lap and covered his mouth as if trying to block the panic in his voice. Then he turned his attention to the agent again. "And you want me to be the bait? That's your plan?"


Gale was confident with her plan. You can hear it in her steady voice. The woman didn't even blink. She earned her FBI position. She was good at her job, and that gave Josh every reason to believe in her.

But using him as bait? That didn't sound so professional.

"Why don't you use one of your undercover agents or something."

"We can't. I can't trust them."

That raised a few red flags. Why would an agent not trust her own coworkers in the force? Josh frowned at her in confusion.

Gale sighed. She knew this was coming. In order for Josh to believe her, she needed to let him in on what was really going on.

"Listen. The things I am about to tell you, you can not say a word about them to anyone. Understood?"

Josh nodded.

Gale answered, "Some are playing double agents as part of a greater organization. A human trafficking organization."

Her voice sounded as emotionless as possible. If she didn't blink in the next few seconds, Josh would assume she's a robot. Thankfully, she blinked.

They resumed their conversation.

"Everyone?"  Josh asked.

"No. I just can't tell who is with us and who is not. So, it is best to be safe. That is why I'm glad that I found you." She paused and for the first time since he met her, Gale drew empathy in her features. "You would do anything for your friend, won't you?" Her eyes glistened.

Josh opened his olive eyes wide. "Of course. He's more like a brother to me, not just a friend. I've known him since I was seven."

"Good." She looked away as she adjusted her seating position. "Well, I got news for you. Based on the information you gave me, the kidnapper's first mistake was taking someone who was just talking on the phone. You sure that he was heading to the dorms when he called?"

"Absolutely. He always comes back from work at that time, around midnight. And he told me to come quick so he'd show me something that will help us with our little business."

"Good. We got a time and somewhat a place to investigate. Of course, there is the possibility that Kevin was lured away from the dorms, but let's not think about that for now."

She leaned down to pick her suitcase. She placed it on her lap.

"Before I give you the necessary equipment, let's go over the plan one more time."

"OK." Josh took a deep breath and released it. "I'll take the same route Kevin took that night at almost midnight. I'll walk every night until the kidnapper takes the bait, which is me. You'll be tracking my phone and the chip in my shoe. If I get in trouble, you'll track my location and arrest this dude and save Kevin and I."

"Excellent. And don't forget to act naturally." She opened the suitcase. "So, here's what I got for you."


But so much for acting naturally. At this time, Josh was walking down the hallway wearing a black hoodie and covering his head. His hands were in his pockets. He looked very suspicious. He was speeding up his pace trying to get to his dorm room safely, but at the same time, he was thinking that he has to slow down to give the kidnapper a chance to snatch him too. While he was thinking, he didn't notice the big man himself coming out of room 105. And so, he slightly bumped into him.

"Sorry. Sorry. I wasn't paying attention," said Josh before he raised his head to see the tall guy.

Duke smiled widely and said, "It's alright, buddy. It happens." He patted him on the shoulder and said, "You take care of yourself now," before he left.

Josh couldn't help but feel uneasy. He couldn't tell what was bothering him about that guy.

 He couldn't tell what was bothering him about that guy

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"It must be my imagination." Josh shook his head and got on the elevator. He pressed floor 5, and the elevator doors closed.

 He pressed floor 5, and the elevator doors closed

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