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Jeez, totally forgot to update... soooo DOUBLE UPDATE!!! Yaaaaay...

Yeah yeah, whatevs, here you go.


Lunch was coming to its end, which meant that me and The Misfits were all crowding around Erion's locker. Erion was a nice dude, he was always wearing proper clothes, such as turtlenecks, suit-jackets, knitted sweaters and so on. He had glasses, dark brown hair that was always swept over his head in a fancy manner, and had overall a mature feeling surrounding him. We were located here since it was time for the daily "gum pause" as Odd had started to call it. Since Erion and Manfred were the only ones that bought chewing gum, they were the ones attacked by the others at the end of lunch. Every. Day. Manfred hadn't had the time to buy new gum, so Erion became the victim.

Speaking of Manfred, he hadn't stopped giving me worried glances since we left the bathroom. I appreciated that he didn't continue questioning me, but his mother-hen way of acting was grating on my nerves. I pulled on my sleeves again, it felt like they were crawling up my arms, wanting to expose my bandaged wrist to the world. Manfred was already too worried, he shouldn't have to worry even more.

The bell rang its shrill sound once again so we bid our goodbyes and split up. I looked at my schedule, only litterature left. I sighed heavily. Eric hadn't showed up, and he hadn't texted me since friday, before the party. Dragging my feet after me, I walked towards the classroom. For one reason or another the architects thought it was a good idea to make the school so big, that some classrooms were located several minutes away from each other. Which made me believe that they thought PE wasn't enough for us students. I passed the courtyard, and couldn't help but look if Eric was there. He wasn't. Sighing once more I kept on walking.

Suddenly I felt someone grab me by my hair, tucking my head in between the arm and the ribs. My hands instantly flew to my head, grabbing the hands as to prevent them from ripping the hair off my scalp. I glanced up, and to my horror I saw Joseph. One of the jocks that just loved to cause me pain. It suddenly felt useless to try to fight back. Monday were the day that I had most subject, which meant that my bag was extremely heavy. I stumbled after him as he dragged me out of the school, not stopping until we were far away from teachers and students. He pushed me into the brick wall. The one that would probably be covered in my blood by the end of the day. I hit the wall, hard, my arm instantly began hurting, again, from the impact, and it had just started to stop hurting too.

"Whaddup, faggot," Joseph's disgusting voice came from behind me. I snorted unintentionally. Faggot? How original.

"What the hell did ya say, ya faggot?!" Oops... did I say that out loud? He grabbed me by the collar and slammed me into the wall again. This time my head took part of the impact, and I could quickly feel the dizziness. I groaned loudly as he let go. Lucky for me, my bag wasn't only heavy, it made me heavy; handy-dandy if you got bullies. He was glaring daggers... no, falchions at me. Some time ago I learnt that by talking you earned more hits. Did that stop me and my stupid mouth? No.

"Well, faggot is such a cliché word. I mean wouldn't people use "sissy" or "bitch" or something along those lines?" I asked innocently. The air disappeared from my lungs as Joseph's fist connected to my solar plexus. I sunk down on my knees, wheezing, trying to catch my breath. The pain wasn't immediate, but it didn't take long before I felt it in my whole body. That would certainly leave a bruise.

Joseph was at the moment staring at me with a disgusted expression, my head felt fuzzy so I couldn't read his expression. At least not until the words left his mouth.

"I guess faggots have rough nights. Lemme guess, your ass still hurts?" I stared at him, horrified. That's when I remembered. The hickeys! "I bet you like it rough, lemme give you a punishment," he said, smiling wickedly. He punched me once, then twice, the third time I fell to the ground. Although he didn't stop there. When I was on the ground he began kicking.

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