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Lora's POV

I can still remember it just like it was yesterday. When I got here it was cold, dark, it was hard to breathe in here. I was scared. I could feel cold steel digging into my wrists and ankles and freezing concrete under my legs. All I could feel for next 8 years was fear. And I wasn't alone, I could see different people. Women, men, children... They were in the same state as me: broken, sad, scared. All of them wore same strange leather necklaces that are wrapped around their necks, just like mine is. 

There are three different vampires that keep checking on us. One of them being the one that killed my parents. They often come inside with different men and women. They walk around, look at all of us and then go back. Every time one of the prisoners leaves. I never discovered where exactly. 

Eight years ago something inside me snapped. I've been in here for too long and I've seen too much. People get beaten here, bitten, even killed. It was too much for me to handle. For the first time in eight years I couldn't feel fear anymore. I could hear people screaming around me, I could see them getting hurt, I could smell metallic smell of blood, but I simply couldn't care less anymore.

Once in two months they  leave one door unlocked of the person of their choice. I don't know if they ever managed to escape but it was worth a try. Since the day I snapped, I looked differently, I changed my way of looking at things. I wasn't afraid anymore and I wanted to do something so I could save as many people as I can in here. 

When they've left my door unlocked, I didn't run. I took the keys instead and set everyone else free. I could finally go, I could've been free now. But something in my broken mind told me to stay...I wanted  to stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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