Chapter 21

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Jimin's POV

My eyes were burning from the tears I tried to stop from running down. But for the last 10 min I failed at that. I was still in the exact same position Yoongi left me. Too scared of the pain that I was already familiar with and even if I wanted to stand up, I couldn't. It felt like being paralyzed, my mind telling me to go and join the others, but my body was not listening. Through watery eyes I could see the small puddle my tears formed on the wooden floor beneath my face.
Why was he like that? Why can't he just accept the fact that I don't want to tell him that I love him. Thinking about it now I almost laughed at myself for being so fucking naive and stupid to fall for somebody like HIM. He basically just raped me and then left without even saying a word. Would a real boyfriend do stuff like that, if he truly cares for you? I don't think so even though I can't surely tell, since I never really been in relationship before. To be honest I didn't protest at first but he hurt me. And he was only seeking his own pleasure, not caring about me. He often is a little dominant, which I like, but he has never been this rough with me before. Seeing him all angry scared me a little.
If he feels nothing for me, why would he even wanna know my secret? It all makes definitely no sense. I hate myself for feeling the way I feel about him. Even now, when every normal and sane person would have ran away, my heart is still clinging onto this asshole. He will never love me back the way I love him.
And again new tears streamed down my still wet cheeks. I just want to get out of here and lock myself inside my room. How am I supposed to go back out looking like a wrecked crybaby? My make up is ruined and hair is a mess like my whole self right now.
I have to calm down first and get my shit together. The others and especially Yoongi should not see me in a state like this.

(*door opens*)

I almost jumped from somebody suddenly bursting into the room out of nowhere. My head had snapped around looking up at the man standing there. I blinked a few times since my vision was still blurry. When I finally got a clear look at whom ever was looking down at me, my heart race increased.

Jimin: "Yoongi?"

Before stopping myself from talking, I already blurred out his name in the most desperate way. I could literally slap myself for that. Can he just leave me alone again?
He just stood there like a frozen statue neither moving nor talking. Since the room was pretty dark and the hallway was bright, it was hard to make out his expression from my position.

He bend down to me and pulled up my pants and closed them, while I just watched his every move closely. What in the hell is he doing here? Why is he helping me now? I am so confused and speechless.

After has adjusted my clothes as good as he could, he put his left hand on my cheek and softly brushed away some of the almost dried up tears.
This gesture was so gentle and it felt so real, as if he really feels bad for what he did.
My limb body got lifted of the hard floor and he carried me bridal style out of the room and into the changing area. During that time my gaze never left his face, looking at him in total confusion. Is he schizophrenic? How can a person change their personality that fast?

He carefully placed me down on a chair in front of a mirror. He then left the and cane back two minutes later with our stylist noona. She stoped when she saw my face and I swear her eyes were about to fall out of her head.

Stylist: "What in goods name happened to your hair and make up?"

I turned red and shyly looked down.

Yoongi: "He got a little to emotional after the performance and cried and his hair was sweaty and messed up from dancing on stage."

He answered in a monotone way, getting me out of this situation easily with a lie, like he always does. I wanted to thank him for it but kept my head focused on my fingers in my lap.

Stylist: "Alright then. Let's fix that little problem of yours so that you won't miss the rest of the night."

She walked behind me and started doing her thing.
Without looking, I noticed how Suga left the room again, not returning this time.
My brain was still overheating from trying to understand him. What was that all about? He could have just left me there since I am nothing more than a toy for him (a/n: Block B - Toy  reference if some of you know that song😉).

After 20min of Speed hairstyling and doing make up I looked like nothing has happened. Even though inside I still felt the same like before, sad, confused, hurt, angry and all those feelings collapsed with love. Love for someone who doesn't even love me back and never will.

I am finally able to upload more chapters again (maybe 3 or 4 in a week)!!! 👍🏽

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