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As the music travels through the wire,
And gush out into mine ears,
I feel my stomach afire,
In a way I'vent felt in years,
Osmosis takes it cause as it follows to mine heart,
And every beat is spread all over my body by mine heart's beat,
Only moments ago was I sat,
Now I am away from the seat cos my heart beat pumped the beat to my feet,
E'en as I tire my belly is still afire,
How can this sound make mine quiet heart pound?
For the lyricist doth say let the music take you higher,
But deep in I am, with both feet, and now in this melodic sound I am drowned.
A/N: I do hope you enjoyed it. I shall be keeping the old English as 'new' as possible, meaning I'd keep it as less advanced, majority of the readers haven't really read old English :)
-3rdEyed ❤

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