Lets go have some fun

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The remaining of the night was pretty okay. I was currently texting Mia about how Christian is my partner.

wow I can't believe it was Christian, that's crazy.

I know, but Mia I should go to sleep. love ya.


Beep Beep Beep

It's official , I HATE SCHOOL! Like can I just stay home and binge watch Vampire Diaries while eating the whole kitchen. But no. Stupid school.

I did my hygiene and decided to dress as my mood, sweat pants with a hoodie and my converse. I put my hair into a messy bun and went to my parents room to see if they were still in there. I knocked  on there door.

" Come in." I walked in and my dad was putting on his shoes.

" Hi dad."

" Hey Lily." I went towards their bed and plopped down on it. They have the softest bed ever. I should steal it and replace it with mine, they wouldn't notice.

Dad was finished and turned towards me. He looked at what I got on, " Not feeling to good?"

I laughed, " don't feel like going and this is my mood."

"Lily you need help, don't you want friends?"

How dare he.

" Dad I have friends."

He shook his head, " Mia and Will don't count."

Gosh he makes me sound lonely.

" Dad I have more friends then those two."

He laughed , " Name one."

I really didn't but I needed to say one quick and said the first name that came to my mind, " Hunter."

" Hmm don't know him, is he imaginary Lily?"

" He's real but I should go your demons are waiting for me."

He chuckled, " See you later."


I was in Mr. Drew's room copying the notes he gave us. I heard the door open and looked up.

" Mr. Moore, glad you can join us."

Hunter walked in looking like a candy bar I would eat any day. Oh my gosh did I just say that.

He had his hair as usual, messy. He wore dark blue jeans and a black hoodie. TWINS! Kidding. He had a bandage by his eyebrow though, of course my nosey self would like to know but I don't think we are friends.

Don't tell dad.

He rolled his eyes and took a seat, this time he took a seat in front of me. "Ms. Montez please show Hunter what we are doing."

I nodded my head but I didn't want too.

Hunter didn't turn around so I was assuming he didn't want to talk to me either. I decided to leave it alone and continue to do my work.

It was about 15 minutes later when Hunter turned around. "So what the hell am I supposed to be doing?"

" Well, we are supposed to copy these notes that he gave us and study them for the test coming up."

He nodded, " What are you doing after school?"

I was confused on why he wanted to know that.

" Nothing why?"

Possessive Much ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن