Last Battle (Chapter 42)

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Quote: "Power consumes all morals. No matter how great."

"That's it! If I can't rule as king, then I will burn you all to the ground!" He shouted, and a thick layer of armor appeared on his body all of a sudden. Unlike all the times previously, this time, the armor actually shared a lot of similarities with mine, but slightly weaker.

I didn't know how, but it seemed as though he got his hands on some enchanted gear.

"Not on my watch..." I stepped up in front to protect the campers, wielding my scythe that was gripped firmly in my grasp. I took a defensive pose, prepared to strike if he were to try and do anything to the campers.

The demigods were the first priority. I don't know how unstable Jack was, maybe he finally cracked after all this time, but I can't let him take anyone else.

I'll make him pay for Jason.

Jack growled in response, bringing out a large silver trident that reminded me of the one Poseidon had given him a long time ago, the one that I broke. This time however, it seemed as though it had been rebuilt, and made with better quality.

Since when did he get competent?

I tried using my control over air to freeze him, or use my time powers in order to stop him in a blink of an eye, but it wasn't working as it should. Only sputters of wind gushed out, when it should have done much more. I put more pressure onto performing the spell, but it didn't seem to change much, and I couldn't waste any energy doing nonsense.

For some strange reason, none of my powers were...optimal.

It felt like my powers had halved since only a few moments ago. Nothing out of the ordinary had taken place during the short timespan of me arriving here and now, so I was clueless on how this weakness of mine came to be.

This shouldn't be happening.

Not now.

Suddenly, Jack raised his right hand in the air, and a crack in the earth began to manifest around the bleachers, where the campers were. I wasn't aware he was capable of displaying this level of power, and since I wasn't even sure how my powers were working as of now, I was hesitant on whether the tides were set equally among the both of us. The campers began to scurry to safety, but were running closely alongside the developing ravine, as there wasn't much space to flee.

Now I could see his outline perfectly, he had gone insane.

He saw himself as the fallen ruler, the tragic lord of the people who couldn't bear to see a world without him.

The gloves were off this time, because I won't hold back after what that cretin did to Jason.

Using my power over the earth as well, I closed the large gaps slowly, with more effort than I intended, which shocked me. Something told me that I couldn't rely on power this time, and that I would have to tread carefully this time. The incisions in the ground sealed in an extremely weak pace, but I tried to make it so that nobody could possibly fall in and die.

"So, you've turned into a full-fledged villain, huh?" I wiped my forehead, finished with sealing the cracks in the dirt, and I faced my indecent brother.

"There is no point in having this world if I am not here to claim it for myself." Jack stated with crazed brown eyes that seethed with bitterness and loathe.

"You do realize how insane you sound, right?" I pointed out, but had very little humor in my tone, as I wasn't going to forgive him for what he did to my friend.

He gave me a sour glare.

"Just so you know, Jack..." I said while flicking Razer in my hands, getting a familiar feel for the weapon I had only used a few times and had some mastery over at least. I flipped the blade over my shoulder and positioned it with both my hands clasping the gripped black handle of the scythe.

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