Chapter 15

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Natalya felt like her world was being picked apart and placed on uneven ground. She felt like crying and giving up all together. Looking at how Misha and Constantin were signing back and forth rapidly between each other, she felt a sense of jealousy form inside of her.

Why? Because she wanted Constantin all to herself.

Then to hear that Misha had the cure-Natalya didn't trust the woman. Her guts were telling her something was wrong. A cure like this didn't just appear on the door steps. However, Constantin seemed to trust the woman.

Natalya found out that the woman was the one who discovered Constantin's lifeless form in the dungeon and helped heal him back to life. She was the healer in Alpha Viktor's pack. She had been searching for cure or a remedy to help Constantin gain his voice back.

"Mee-sha." A hoarse and raspy voice whispered into the air and Natalya's thought snapped apart. The voice sent a shiver down her spine. Her head whipped towards Constantin who looked a Misha affectionately.

Instantly, an overwhelming pain shot through her heart. She felt her world shifted underneath her. Constantin just spoke out loud. She knew she wasn't going crazy because her mother and Octavia also heard it. The doctor who was in the room eyes were wide with surprise.

Misha grinned at him. Natalya felt betrayed and at the same time she couldn't believe her ears. The first word out of her mate's mouth was not her name but another woman. She shouldn't feel this much jealousy but she was.

"H-how?" Natalya was the first to speak.

Constantin seemed to have remembered himself because he turned to look at her. He must have seen the emotions she was feeling. Even if Natalya wanted to hide it she wouldn't be able to hide what she was feeling at the moment.

I can't speak but when Misha was taking care of me. She helped me say her name. It is just how I work my vocal cords but I can't talk, Natalya. He explained.


Natalya was hurt. She couldn't help it. Her heart was in pain and a large part of her wanted to rip that woman apart. Misha eyed Natalya with a speculative look.

"I see." Natalya whispered and couldn't help the hurt that laced those two words. She didn't know what to think. A part of her was thrilled that Constantin might be able to speak but a part of her was deeply upset.

She didn't know he could work with what was left of his vocal cords but then again he did tell her he could make sounds here and there that were similar to talking. She could have tried harder but then again it would have been nice if he told her.

Constantin was by her side at once but she found for the first time she didn't want to be close to him. She took a step back but he was a lot quicker and grabbed a hold of her wrist. She refused to look him in the eyes. She was too afraid he will see how hurt she was.

He lifted her chin so that she would be force to meet his gaze. Don't be mad at me. I am sorry I didn't think it was something important to tell you.

Natalya removed her chin from his fingers and looked away but he was as stubborn as she was.

"Nat." He croaked.

Her heart fluttered upon hearing him attempt her name.

Please look at me, my heart. He signed where she can see his hands.

She turned back to look at him and he croaked back out her name again. A small smile graced his face when he signed again.

I have been practicing your name but your name has a lot of syllables. It is a lot of work and my throat hurts after trying it for so long. I wanted it to be a surprise. Please don't be mad at me.

Inferno (Mate Series #3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें