Section Six - The Suicide Note Writer

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“Although it took me a small infinity to locate the house, getting into the house was simple. She was selling it because it reminded her of her husband. I became the potential buyer. Probably the only one. My name was Johanna Adair.

Early on the Monday morning, I arrived at the gloomy house where Stephan Holden had lived and wondered why he chose it. Perhaps it was for reasons to do with money, although I couldn’t quite fathom that - the house had the appearance that it was quite costly.


Tania Holden welcomed me inside. There was also a girl in the house, I presumed a maid, but as I stepped inside, she stepped out with the claim that she was visiting the shops to buy some eggs. She didn’t notice me, although I saw her. Tania had changed from her contact photo, looking significantly older with grey hair that she’d obviously ceased to care about and wrinkles of sorrow on her face. However, the fact that she was now at least able to smile was evidence that she was finally moving on.


Her death was short and as simple as she was - one glass of whisky from the drinks cabinet, one dash of poison, a stolen phone from the dead woman’s pocket, a suicide note written and I was gone. There was only one more person to deal with now. 

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