ON WATTPAD: Your Profile and You

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So now that you know how to read on here and upload a story, let's show you how to explore your little corner of your Watty web: Your Profile. There is a lot to cover so this will be the overview and next chapter I'll talk about how to edit your profile.

Your profile is broken up into three tabs, four if you want to count the drop down menu hidden by your profile name, but that's going to be talked about later. There's the about Tab that takes you to what I consider to be your main profile, the one with your about me, libraries, and books. The conversations tab is where you'll find your message board and recent in book activities. And finally the following tab is people you follow.

On top of your profile you have your banner bar. This banner bar has a background image that can give your profile a little personality, your profile picture, your names (both user and whatever name you told Wattpad was your name), then theres some numbers that I'll cover in just a second. I'll cover how to edit the banner images when I go over editing your profile.

Let's go over those little numbers you see.

Let's go over those little numbers you see

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They're really simplistic to understand. Works is how many works AKA books you have actually published.  Clicking on that will just slide your screen down a bit to just above the first book. Reading lists is how many public lists you have. Clicking on that one is a short cut to your reading lists below the books. Then finally followers. Hovering over that number will give you the actual number of followers you have instead of the rounded up number. Oh how I hate the rounded up number. Clicking on it will give you a pop up of everyone who follows you. If you're so inclined you can visit their profiles or follow them back.

Now let's tackle the first tab, the about tab. As I said, I consider this the main profile and it's broken up into two columns. The left hand side has your bio, who you follow, the stupid annoying select your theme box (though I think that applies to only US and Canada users right now), and recent pinned post. Since it's hard to get that in all one screen shot, I'm going to cut and paste a couple of screen shots so you can kinda see everything in one image.

 Since it's hard to get that in all one screen shot, I'm going to cut and paste a couple of screen shots so you can kinda see everything in one image

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