two | ankle

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~ four years ago ~ 

When we reach the top of the Ferris wheel, Elijah pulls out a lighter out from his pocket - the only perk of being a smoker is that you'll always have a lighter, I suppose - and lights the candle that is placed in the centre of the cupcake he has been holding since we got here.

In his defence, we have only been here for ten minutes. By here, I mean the Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas. I've been wanting to go for a long time, and since I turned eighteen today, Elijah brought me here.

He hands me the vanilla cupcake and I smile at him. He smiles back. "Make a wish, sweet cheeks."

The Ferris wheel continues to go in circles. I look down at the little flame. "I wish that no matter what happens, we will always be friends. Best friends. You've always been here for me, Elijah. You're the most amazing friend I could have ever asked for." Elijah's smile falls, making me frown. "You okay...?"

He nods. "Yeah, um, what's the time?" he asks, clearing his throat. I look down at the watch wrapped around my wrist.

"Ten to six," I answer. He doesn't reply. Instead, he turns to look out at the gorgeous view. I do the same.

The view is absolutely amazing. We reach the top of the Ferris wheel once again and I pull out my phone, quickly taking a picture of the lights. It's an indescribable kind of beauty, and the music playing is good, too, which is never a bad thing.


I blow out the candle and eat the cupcake, moaning at how good it tastes. I know it's basic, but I love vanilla.

"Isn't this just amazing? I want to stay here forever." He doesn't reply. I turn to look at Elijah, and frown again when I realise something is wrong.

He has been as excited as me to come here. It's all we have been talking about the past few months. Now, suddenly, he is acting weird.

I turn his head so that he is facing me, and notice a tear stain on his left cheek. "What's wrong, Eli?" I whisper.

"I-I, um..." He looks away. "I just hit my ankle a little while back and it..." he trails off and closes his eyes.

"It, what?"

He sighs. "It hurt, Bree. You have no idea how much it... hurts."

"We can go to the doctors if you want? They even have medics here if you want them to check for you. We can go to one of them once this ride is over. I think this is our last round," I state and glance over at the view, knowing that it's the last time I'd get to see it. "So beautiful," I mumble to myself.

"Yeah. So fucking gorgeous," Elijah agrees, but when I turn to look at him, he isn't looking at the view, he is looking at me.

I smile. "If your ankle hurts, maybe we should just leave."

"Well, the thing is, it's not my ankle. My ankle is fine. I just... I need to tell you something... Please don't hate me for saying it?"

"I would never hate you. What is it?"

"I..." He runs a hand through his hair. "I really care about you. More than anything. I just want you to know that I... I love you."

I chuckle and lightly bump his shoulder. "Come on, idiot. You're my best friend. You know I love you, too. Why would I hate you for saying that?"

"No. I-" he goes silent and shakes his head. "Forget it."

He goes silent and stays that way for the rest of the ride. When we get to the bottom and the ride ends, he climbs out, and I grab my bag and climb out as well.

I keep my head down and push past people to an area that is less crowded. When I look up to say something to Elijah, I notice that he is gone.

I frown and look around, turning in circles and screaming out his name. He's gone.

I pull out my phone and dial his number, but it goes straight to voicemail. Then I see a message pop up from him, on my phone.

Hey. I'm going to head home. Kianna is at the cotton candy stall. You can hang with her. Have fun. - E

I frown and stare down at the words on the screen, unsure how to respond. He just left me here, alone, without a simple goodbye.

I shake my head and make my way to the cotton candy stall. I don't particularly like Kianna very much, but this place is huge and I don't want to be alone.


How rude.

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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