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His eyes seemed to darken when she said his name, but his only response to her words was that intense, burning gaze.

It made her squirm, and suddenly Remi really wanted to find her way out of this place before her body burst into flames. She briefly wondered who in her family was responsible for this beautiful utopia of an underground garden.

Remi began following the shining, white walls of the compound around, looking for an exit.

Killure followed wordlessly behind her, and Remi couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of terror around him.

She didn't really know much about what the older members of her family did, but what she did know was that it was inhumane and horrible. She also knew that people were terrified of them simply because of what they could do and because it was more often than not used for evil.

Still, she'd tried to keep Killure away from it all. Although he was bound to her as a slave, Remi had tried to make his stay as comfortable as possible. So, why did he still want to kill her?

"Here," Killure's silky smooth voice cut through the air.

He was standing a ways away from her, staring up at the ceiling. There was a gigantic window, and while of course it didn't lead outside, it might get them out of there.

There were probably other exits, but the area was huge, and finding an easy way to get out might take hours.

The only problem was that said window was over thirty feet above them.

Remi looked around to find a tree they could climb up to it with, but none nearby were tall enough.

Getting all the way up there would be impossible.

Remi sighed deeply. She wasn't sure which of their ancestors had built such a chaotic, unusual house, but she wished they were still alive so that she could ask them what the heck they were thinking.

Clawed fingers gently tilted Remi's chin up, and she found herself staring into Killure's swirling, tortured eyes, a hurricane of stars within their depths. "I can fly us up."

She held his gaze. She wanted to shrink away, avert her gaze. She didn't want to be anywhere near him. But she hid those feelings and made sure they were nowhere to be found in his eyes. "Are you going to kill me when I'm in your arms?"

Killure only came closer with that terrifyingly wicked grin. "I won't kill you, doll. You're the only reason I'm still alive. Besides, if I'd wanted to kill you, I would have found a way to do so before now."

Remi knew that was true, but she still couldn't get his earlier words out from her mind. The rest fantasize about being chosen so that they can kill one of you, even if they die in the process.

If he was one of those types of slaves, then he truly wouldn't mind dying so long as he killed her.

Remi heard an aggravated huff, and then before she could protest, she was being lifted off her feet and cradled against Killure's defined chest. Shrieking, she tried to tell him to stop and put her down, but he didn't listen as they continued to rise higher and higher into the air.

Tears threatened to flow from Remi's wide eyes and tumble down her cheeks, but she reined them in. Would this be it? Would she die before learning all she wanted to learn? Before she could use that knowledge to heal people?

Killure's wings were huge and powerful, pushing air down beneath them in loud, heavy whooshes of air as they ascended. He unlocked the window and  flung it open, before carrying them both through. The tip of one of his wings flapped against the edge of the window, despite the window being the size of a small room. It didn't slow Killure down.

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