Born Under a Bad Sign

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I set my alarm for 5 and cleaned until 7, which was roughly when Nola would wake up. Everything had to be perfect. Somehow I'd convinced myself that the cleanliness of my flat would affect the management's decision as to whether Harry would be allowed involvement in Nola's life. I'd banned Elenore from wearing shoes inside or from eating anywhere other than the kitchen and only if it was in a bowl or on a plate. She'd left early for her shift at the corner shop anyway, meaning her scatty mannerisms wouldn't be of concern while we had visitors, although I hoped and prayed that they wouldn't still be here when Elenore would no doubt return shouting about the man who frequently followed her home at the end of the day.

Everything was so clean that even I was too scared to move around the flat. I crept towards the bedroom on my tiptoes, checking behind me every now and then to make sure nothing had fallen out of place. I hadn't been surprised to find Nola staring at me curiously from her cot with her curls sticking up and out in every direction imaginable. She didn't look tired or grumpy though, which was a good sign for now. We had a big day ahead of us.

"Good morning, munchkin!" I cooed, scooping her out and placing her on the bed. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her balled up fists and smiled at me. "Remember we have people coming to see us today." She stopped rubbing her eyes, letting her hands fall onto her stomach with a light smack.

I hoped and prayed that whoever was being sent to the flat was not at all like Richard Griffiths, mind you, if they all worked together in close proximity it was unlikely my prayers were to be answered. On the other hand, perhaps whoever was going to be doing the paternity test would show some sympathy and restore my faith in humanity. I changed Nola's nappy as I thought about the answer.

As Nola played with her toys in the lounge I decided to double check the tidiness of the kitchen. Of course nothing looked any different from what it had when I'd first cleaned it, but I was looking for something, anything that would take my mind off of what was looming. I still wasn't comfortable with the fact that Harry had no idea why his management were visiting today or that he was going to be participating in a paternity test for a child that he didn't even know he'd fathered. I hoped that all the sneaking around behind his back wouldn't alter his decision on seeing Nola. Now that I thought about it, I'd begun this whole procedure and hadn't even considered that Harry might accept that he was her father but still not want to have involvement in her life. I stopped fretting over the kitchen and took a deep breath. I would cross that bridge when and if I came to it. There was no use worrying about it now, not when I still had to get through today.

The knock on the door sent my heart rate soaring. This was happening. Right now. I squealed childishly and shot into the lounge where Nola was pointing at the front door. She turned to face me and stared with questioning eyes. I kissed her forehead as I passed and smoothed my jeans with my hands, taking deep breaths in order to control my heart. Through the frosted glass door I could see the silhouettes of two figures; a tall man carrying a briefcase and the other a woman, rounded and with her hair piled up high on her head. Perhaps she would show some sympathy? Women loved babies after all.

I pulled the door open quickly and forced my best fake smile, completely dumbfounded as to what to say.

"Miss Owens?" The women asked, returning my smile.

"Please call me Marnie." The words fell out of my mouth like mush.

"I'm Julie Hughes. I work for Modest Management, it's lovely to meet you." Both of them extended their hands and shook mine.

"I'm Dr Robert Stevens," the man introduced himself as I gestured for them to come inside. "I'll be taking the blood sample for the paternity test." I nodded in response, unable to speak.

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